Lyric Prank: Take a Hint (Victorious)

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Lyric Prank: Take a Hint

Pranksters: Ronnie, Stella, (Girl) Jordan, Paige, Sid, Penelope, Chloe, Emma, Molly, Joy, Some QT's (Cookie and Brownie), Cristina

Audience: Chandler McCann & Poppa-Wheelie (to be pranked), Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Zach, Liam

World: Loud-Verse Earth-LCGC1 (Loud-Casa Groupchat Prime)

AN: This is another Boys vs. Girls lyric prank. But the change is that Chandler will get pranked! He's not invited in the group chat so he forced his way here. But thankfully the girls will help to ensure Chandler doesn't do anything mean. Of course the boys. This event happened after the whole "Danplan Skit" so Lincoln is still being watched by his sisters, making sure he doesn't go psycho (which is weird since the whole quiz wasn't supposed to be scientific, just a riddle game). Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

Read AN Below!

-Conversation Starts: Chandler "forced" to be added-

Chandler: Yeah, baby! Chandler's finally in the chat!

Clyde: What the!?

Rusty: Who invited this jerk in!?

Lincoln: No one did. He forced himself in the chat!

Liam: How did he got here in the first place!?

Chandler: Because I'm cool that's why!

Zach: Great. *sarcastically* This guys is here. Mr. Sewage Party. My mom warned me to never accept your invite ever again.

Chandler: You're just jealous that my party was awesome, unlike some farmboy's invite.

Liam: Hey!

Clyde: Can't we just kick him out!?

Lincoln: We could but he'll force himself in again if the author... I mean the admin of this Group Chat doesn't know and forgets to ban him here.

Chandler: Too bad for you!

Poppa-Wheelie: Got myself in too! Thanks Chandler!

Chandler: By the way, Larry...

Lincoln: It's Lincoln. And if you're gonna go for another nickname way. I got something better, Clown-der.

Chandler: Oh shut up. You... I saw the group chat. Why is it that the girls are so attached to you? You're a nerd, a loser. You're not cool. You're a close thing to being a sissy fem-boy since you probably wanted to fit in to your loose sisters! LOL!

Lincoln: Why you! You can mock me all day long but keep my sisters out of this!

Chandler: Or what sissy, gonna cry!?

Clyde: Let it go, Lincoln. He's not worth anything.

Lincoln: No way, I'm ought to teach this freak a lesson!

-The Girls are online-

Chandler: Finally, the ladies are here for a glimpse of "Cool Ol' Me!"

Ronnie: Ugh! Ew. This guy bothering you?

Jordan: What the!? He's not invited! How?

Emma: Girls, look at what he said.

Chloe: What!?

Penelope: Did he just call Lincoln's sisters "loose"?

Paige: Oh no, he did!

Chandler: Well ladies. Wanna have fun like last time.

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