A Happy Family

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You ran into the house and stopped Wang Yuan and Qian Xi from entering the room.

"Wait! I know what you mean. Meet me in the garden at the resort at ten at night today and don't tell Xiao Kai. I want to talk about it this evening and not anytime else. "you said with you hand held tightly against your chest. You went back to your room and dumped everything you need in a backpack before grabbing it and ran out to the school main gate. When everyone was in the bus and Aria sat beside you at the back while Xiao Kai, Wang Yuan and Qian Xi sat at the backseat where the three of then could share. Xiao Kai peered through the back of your seat and asked you.

"Hey (y/n). Why didn't you wait for us?"

"It's nothing. I just wanted to get the back seat first. That's all. "you said refusing to make eye contact with him because you knew that you would tell him straight away the minute you look into his dark brown eyes.

Xiao Kai sat back to his original seat and asked Wang Yuan and Qian Xi if they knew anything but they just said no. When you arrived at the resort, you were all asked to put your bags in the hotel and get changed for a party as a start of the year. As you put your bag beside the bed, you took a hair tie out and tied your hair into a messy bun.

"I'm gonna take bath first."you said as you entered the bathroom and locked the door.

You took your time in the bath and when you were just about to step out of the shower, Qian Xi suddenly opened the door and yogurt quickly wrapped yourself with a towel before he saw anything. He turned around with a bright pink face.

"I-I am so sorry. The lock was broken. "Qian Xi said with his back against you.

"I-It's okay as long as you didn't see anything. Y-You didn't right? "you asked unsure.

"I swear I didn't. I would never do something like that."Qian Xi said as he shut the door behind him.

"I know. Where's Wang Yuan and Xiao Kai? "you asked with your back against the door.

"They headed to the party first. I'll wait for you out here. "Qian Xi said as he sat down on a bed.

"Okay. "was the only thing you could say.

You changed into a sleeveless icy blue dress that reached you knees. When you came out of the room you saw Qian Xi laughing.

"Like I thought. I look funny don't I?"you asked him as you twist and turned in your dress.

"No. You look cute. "Qian Xi said still blushing.

"Thanks. "you said grabbing Qian Xi's hand and dragged him to where the class was supposed to meet for the party.

People were singing and dancing and eating as well. You had some fun and some glares from every girl in the class but it was quite okay for the first party you had in China. Before you realized it, it was already time to get back to your room. Everyone was asked to go back to their rooms and sleep after they change or bath. You walked with Xiao Kai to your room but you told him to go ahead while you head back to get something you forget. You ran into the garden and searched for Wang Yuan and Qian Xi. You saw the two of them standing in the garden joking around.

" I wanted to talk to you about my relationship with Xiao Kai. "you said while approaching them.

"We already know the answer. You are going to-"Wang Yuan was cut off by you as you looked at the ground.

"No! You don't know. When you indirectly told me how you and Qian Xi felt this morning I realized something. I realized that I was in no position to ruin your relationship with Xiao Kai. I-I tried resisting but I couldn't. I really love Xiao Kai and I wish for what is best for him but-"you said with tears starting to stream down your face.

"(y/n)."Qian Xi said softly while reaching a hand out to comfort you.

"But I know. I know that I am not the best for him. The disbanding of Tfboys is the worst thing to happen right now.S-so I will say no to Xiao Kai after this field trip and leave China."you said while sobbing a little and tears ran down your face like a stream.

When you showed the two of them your face, they were shocked and they couldn't stop themselves from giving you a warm hug. They laughed a little and said.

"(y/n), you're the funniest person I've ever seen. If you can gather the courage to leave Xiao Kai because you were afraid the friendship between the three of us will be torn apart then you seriously are the cutest girl I've ever seen. "Wang Yuan said while chuckling.

"Yeah. I think we all agree on that. "Qian Xi said with a smile.

"I think we should all head back to our room before Xiao Kai suspects anything. "Wang Yuan said letting you go.

When the two of them opened the room door, you rushed in the room and gave Xiao Kai a big hug. He blushed a bit before asking you what happened. You just shook your head and rested your head on his chest. He stroked your hair and hugged you back. You let go and gave him the brightest smile you've given to anyone.

"Xiao Kai, you've gotten yourself one hell of a girlfriend."Qian Xi said as he smiled at the two of you.

"Yeah! Let us join in too! "Wang Yuan said as he jumped on the bed with Qian Xi and gave the two of you a warm hug. This feeling, this sensation felt like the family you've always longed for. It felt like the family you've always wanted to have but neither of the four of you were related to each other and that didn't matter.

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