See you at court

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Your dad exchanged glares with Qian Xi and Wang Yuan. Your mom calmed your dad down but he was still angry.

"I am her father and I have the right to take her away."claimed your dad as he changed his focus to you.

"No. You don't. You don't have the right to. I want to be with my family and they are my family. You may be able to provide me with the money and education but you can never give me the love and care I deserve. You were never there for me. They were always here. They may have caused pain for me but the double the happiness and love they give me the next minute. You didn't cause me pain and you surely didn't give me happiness. I didn't need you for the past sixteen years and I don't need you now."you protested once again. Your mom looked at you with sadness while your dad looked at you with disappointment in his eyes. You could tell so much about them from the dew minutes you've been with them and that made you wonder. You wondered hoe the two of them even got together.

"But honey, we-"your mom tried to give you a reason to why they disappeared for sixteen years.

"Yes. You may have a good reason to why you did that but somehow I doubt that. If something bad really happened you would've came for me right after whatever trouble you got into was over. I don't want to hear any excuses. You might have just wanted a child but suddenly felt like you couldn't take care of me so you left me by the doorstep of an orphanage. Am I right? Don't keep quiet because it would be a very obvious yes. "you said as your parents just looked away and their faces were filled with guilt. You knew you hit the bull's-eye.

"I am disappointed in the two of you. I may be a disgraceful child to talk to her own parents like this but at least I'm honest. I don't want to be an innocent daddy or mommy's girl. I want to speak my mind."you replied and stood up with disappointment in your eyes. You wanted to cry but you thought that you had cried enough.

"It's okay. If they won't support you. I will. "said Xiao Kai before standing up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Stay away from her! She's our jewel! "warned by our dad as he pushed Xiao Kai away.

"No don't!"you were about to say more but you were interrupted by a slap. The slap was from your mom.

"That's enough! You have no idea what we've been through."shouted your mom while you cupped your red cheek.

"And you had no idea what I've been through."you said with tears in your eyes as you sat back down on the couch. Xiao Kai immediately took a seat beside you and gave you a comforting hug.

"Her first word. First steps. First day in kindergarten. You missed it all but that's fine because even I wasn't there but you have no excuse for the rest of the events you missed. Her first love, her first heartbreak, her first kiss, her first Valentine's Day in China, her first birthday in China and even the rescue from the kidnapper that day. You missed them all while the three of us were there. Like she said, if it weren't for us, she wouldn't have been in so much pain but we were also the ones who gave her more joy than ever after the pain.She's happy with us and you're trying to take her joy away from her."said Xiao Kai calmly while pulling away and cupped your cheeks.

"How do you know she's happy? "protested you dad. You shot him another glare and wanted to say something but Xiao Kai stopped you.

"I know when she is truly happy because the smile she has when she is truly happy, god it's cute. It's lot up my heart like a million stars in the clear night sky. I do my best to make her happy. I do my best to make sure it hurts me more than it hurts her everytime she cries. I never want her to be sadder than I am because her tears make my heart bleed. "confessed Xiao Kai as he stared into your watery eyes with flashes of pink on his cheeks.

Your eyes widened and your face grew pink as your heard the echoing of his words in your head. He loves you more than anything and you knew that but he had to remind you that over and over again so that you would know that there will always be someone beside you to lend you a shoulder when you need one and that someone is Xiao Kai.

"They will be able to give me happiness more than you ever can in your whole life."you added and gave Xiao Kai a hug. He was shocked because you don't do hugs but he still hugged you back.

"Do you really think that three rascals can give you a better life than us. "retorted your dad and you gave him a serious look.

"No. Rascals will never be able to give me the life I want or need."you said back which made everyone look at you shocked."But I am a hundred percent certain that these three idiots can. "you said with a smile as you messed up Qian Xi and Wang Yuan's hair. Xiao Kai looked at you like he was expecting something and he should be. You gave him a quick kiss on his left cheek and everyone looked at you with astonished looks.

"You're a disgraceful child but we still love you."you mom tried to convince you to go with her but you knew that your answer would never be a yes.

"No. I've said that you don't do and know a lot of things and you really don't. You especially don't know anything about me."you stopped your mom from saying anything else before Wang Yuan barged in with a huge announcement.

"OK. Since we haven't come to a conclusion yet, let settle this at court so see ya."

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