There weren't supposed to be any

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When you reached ground safely, Qian Xi also jumped down after you and Wang Yuan caught him.

"Hmph. Told you I could do it."said Wang Yuan with confidence.

"Yeah yeah. I never doubted you."replied Qian Xi with sarcasm and Wang Yuan pouted. Xiao Kai looked at you you and that made you question him.

"What? Is something wrong?"you asked looking up at him.

"Nothing is. It's just that I can't believe Qian Xi would do that since he is also afraid of heights."said Xiao Kai as he lifted your chin up and turned to Qian Xi.

"Yeah. I was surprised as well but he dad do it so I can't argue with that."interrupted Wang Yuan while nudging Qian Xi.

"You're afraid of heights?!"you exclaimed I'm disbelief.

"Yeap. I wanted to try and conquer my fear but it didn't seem to work."said Qian Xi as he started to walk away. The four of you were walking pass one of the roller coasters and were kidding around when three other people appeared.

"We're here to take you back. "said Mason in the middle of the other people who were old enough to be your parents.

"No, you can't make me. Mom and Dad told me to stay here." you tried to protest but it was of no use. Mason let out a soft sigh before letting you in on the big news.

"These people are your parents. Your real parents."said Mason with a sympathetic face.

You were utterly speechless. You covered your mouth once again for the second time today and you expected the three boys who were standing next to you to be as equally suprised as you were, but they weren't. They were looking at three different directions instead, trying their best not to make any eye contact.

"Didn't they tell you?"questioned Mason a bit confused.

"No. No they didn't. "you answered as you turned around and ran the other direction.

Mason wanted to run after you but Xiao Kai stopped him.

"No, don't. I'll go. You'll only make matters worse."warned Xiao Kai as he pushed Mason away.

You reached the same tree you were stuck on and sat behind it. You wrapped your arms around your legs as you wept and sobbed quietly with your face in your knees. You felt a shadow over you and you looked up to see Xiao Kai.

He immediately pulled you into a hug and whispered into your ear.

"I'm sorry. I know I should've told you."said Xiao Kai.

"But you didn't. You should've but you didn't."you replied with tears in the corner of your eyes.

"Don't cry. You look better with a smile."comforted Xiao Kai as he cupped your cheeks and wiped the tears off your face with his thumb.

"I want to. I'm sad so I'm crying. Stop using your kind words to comfort me. They work every time but not this time."you said pushing his hands away and stood up before taking a step away from him. Even though you only took a step away from him, it still hurt him and you felt bad for doing that. He tried to take a step closer to you to fill in the gap but you stopped him without knowing.

"No. Don't come closer. There shouldn't have been any between us. There shouldn't have been any secrets between us, but there are. I didn't keep anything from you because I hate secrets. Everything in my life is my secret. I just woke up in a hospital in America a month ago and didn't know anything about my past. Everything was hidden from me. I thought you were different but it seems to me that I'm wrong. I'm sorry but I just need some time alone so please. "you said as a clod breeze blew past the two of you. Xiao Kai still took another step closer to you and you just looked away.

"I just want you to know that I love you. I love you. I have always loved you and always will. It hurts when I see you cry but that's fine. As long as it hurts me more than how much it hurts you. "said Xiao Kai he held the hand you had the ring on in his hands. He let go after awhile and kissed the ring before leaving.

You looked at the ring he just kissed and took it out. You wanted to throw it away because even looking at caused you so much pain. Then the message underneath the ring reminded you.


It reminded you of all the pain you have felt but most importantly, it made you remember how you and Xiao Kai would always come back twice as strong as before. You let out another sigh and thought of what he just said.

"That idiot. His words always make me go soft. "you said softly to yourself with a red face as you walked back home yourself.

When you opened the door to your home, everyone was sitting in the living room. Wang Yuan smiled when he saw you and asked you to take a seat but you stopped in front of Xiao Kai instead.

"It's okay Wang Yuan. I already have a seat right here."you replied as you saw Xiao Kai's sly smirk.

You sat beside him and he held your hands in his. You leaned your head on his shoulder. It was a sweet scene but it was clearly not enough to make your real parents let you stay.

"We're here for you. And before we leave with (y/n), I would like to know who that guys is and what happened the past sixteen years."demanded your dad.

"I'm hot going anywhere. You can't make me."you said glaring at the three of them.

"They can. You are below eighteen years old so they have the power to take you away. That is according to the court though. They're going to sue the three boys beside you if you don't go with them."said Mason as he let out a soft sigh.

"No the can't. I lived sixteen years without them. They were never beside. I didn't need them and I still don't. If they insist on being my parents then fine. As long as I get to stay here."you protested and held Xiao Kai's hand tighter than before. He could tell that you were getting nervous so he held your hand as well. Your dad saw the two of you and showed a peck of fury.

"Get your hands of my daughter. You don't deserve to be with her."complained your dad. He took a step closer to you and pointed to Xiao Kai.

"Hey I know you're her old man and all but you really don't have the right to stop her."replied Wang Yuan as he moved in front of the two of you.

"Who do you think you are anyways. So what if you're her old man. So what if she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. What matter is that she's happy to be here."said Qian Xi as he backed Wang Yuan up.

You could tell. You could tell that this was going to be a fierce debate. You didn't care if they were your blood related parents, they were never there for you. Unlike the family you have now.

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