Temporary or Permanent?

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"(y/n)!"you heard a familiar voice call out to you.

"Xiao Kai?!"you exclaimed with a shocked voice. He immediately pulled you into a huge hug a took in a deep breath.

"I missed your fragrant smell."that was the first sentence Xiao Kai said to your in two days. You immediately blushed bright pink but you couldn't move.

"Wh-what do you mean? "you asked as you stammered still thinking of his words.

"I mean that I missed you."said Xiao Kai unwilling to let go. Qian Xi looked away and carried his little brother.

"X-Xiao Kai. You can let go now."you said with a blushing face. He finally let go and Aria and Wang Yuan pulled you into another hug.

"I still don't do hugs."you said as you laughed.

"And I still don't care."replied Aria still hugging you.

"OK OK. Let go of me."you said pushing the two of them away.

The five of you sat down in Qian Xi's living room and played with his little brother. You all came across an awkward moment but laughed it off a while later. Qian Xi's mom suddenly looked into the room and said,

"Oh. Xiao Kai, Wang Yuan. When did the two of you come? And did you know Qian Xi got a girlfriend."said his mom. You and Qian Xi both blushed red and he denied it immediately. Even though the two of you kept on explaining to them that it was all just a misunderstanding, they still complained to the two of you for running off like that. They only forgave the two of you after getting their souvenirs. Xiao Kai was still pouting and you thought he looked cute while pouting. You moved beside him and asked.

"Are you okay? "you asked leaning on his shoulder. To your astonishment, he moved away and answered before walking out of the house.

"Yeah I'm fine."he said before shutting the door behind him.

The other three of them stared at you and you shifted your view to Aria. She gave you a nod, telling you to go after him. You quickly got out of the seat and ran after Xiao Kai.

After turning a few corners, you saw Xiao Kai walking on the street.

"Xiao Kai what happened? "you asked while running up to him. You stood infront of him and he turned around. The two of your eyes met and you just blushed and looked away.

"It hurt."you heard Xiao Kai said as he started walking again.

"What does? "you asked concerned as you caught up to him.

"My heart. It hurts when I think of you and Qian Xi being alone in Beijing. It hurts when I think of you with another guy. It hurts when-"you stopped Xiao Kai from finishing another sentence by giving him a huge hug.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you before leaving but Qian Xi was in a hurry and I didn't want to miss the plane. I promise I'll never do it again. "you said as you pulled away. Xiao Kai lifted your chin up and gave you another heartwarming kiss. You didn't want to pull away and neither did he. He pulled you to the nearest wall and pinned you there.

"I don't need you to promise me anything. It's okay if it hurts. It's okay if you don't love me because I'll make sure you fall in love with me and that is all I need."said Xiao Kai as he lifted his lips from yours.

"I am already in love with you and all I want now is for the five of us to live peacefully and happily together."you replied giving him a shy smile.

"And we will."said Xiao Kai moving closer to you.

"No we won't. Qian Xi told me. He said that he's going to stay in Beijing. "you said looking away with a frown.
"Now now. What is this? It's the first time you've rejected a kiss from me and the reason behind it is a guy?! "Xiao Kai said moving his face a little further from you.

"Why? Are you jealous?"you asked him with a smirk and he blushed a little.

"No... Maybe... Yeah. "he said with pauses in between the three words. You let go of your and turned around. His back was facing you and you took that as an opportunity.

You hugged him from the back and told him things that you never thought you would have to say.

"I'm staying in Beijing with Qian Xi. "those words made Xiao Kai immediately turn around and you placed your forehead on his.

"I'm just joking. I will never leave your side. You don't need to get jealous. I don't want you to get jealous because if you are, it would be because of another girl since I know that the only person I love is Xiao Kai. That feeling will never change as long as Xiao Kai likes me back."you said as hints of red appeared on your cheeks.

"Ok but Qian Xi is staying in Beijing only for a week so you don't have to worry."said Xiao Kai hugging you back. You were shocked from his words so you pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"What? I thought he was going to stay here forever. He told me."you said to Xiao Kai, confused of what the situation was.

"Why not we ask him ourselves?"suggested Xiao Kai and the two of walked back to Qian Xi's house with your hands in his.

"Qian Xi! We have a question for you."Xiao Kai as he entered the room they were in.

"Were you planning on staying in Beijing for a week only or are you staying here forever? "you asked with a confused face.

"I'm only staying here for a week. "replied Qian Xi while he played with his little brother.

"But you told me you were leaving for Beijing."you said almost speechless.

"I said I was leaving for Beijing but I never told you I wasn't coming back. "said Qian Xi almost bursting into laughter.

"But-"you said completely speechless. You stood there quiet as everyone else laughed and you laughed as well after a second or two. The next day, you left Beijing and returned back home with Xiao Kai, Wang Yuan and Aria. Qian Xi told the four of you that he was going to follow you guys as well after a few days .

'I can spend a few days without one best friend I guess. ' you thought to yourself as you boarded the plane with the other three.

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