Happy Birthday!

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You woke up in your room with the sun shining on your pretty face. You walked to the kitchen while stretching out and wanted to make breakfast for the five of you but you found a little note on the dining table instead.

'Hey, sorry we had to leave without you. Something important came up so we're not going to be at home the whole day. Aria is with us so we won't see you for the whole day. Meet up at the cafe where you and Xiao Kai took photos at last time at 6.00 p.m.'

You let out a loud sigh and went back to your room. You spent the next few hours taking a bath and playing a video game. You then change into another outfit and went outside for fresh air. You take a few breathes of fresh air before taking a walk in the park. You realized a lot of families were there and it made you think of your parents. It made you think of the two people that were the two reasons why you were in China. The exact same people that let you meet Xiao Kai. They were the couse of you meeting your true love and you couldn't thank them enough. The anger that used to be in your chest was gone. That fire waws extinguished by Xiao Kai. Now, the main reason you smile everyday was for Xiao Kai. You had a rest on the bench and put your headphones on before thinking of Xiao Kai again. You were staring off into blank space when your phone made a sound. You switched your phone and noticed it was your birthday. You laughed at the thought that you have forgotten that it was your birthday but your smile turned into a frown when you realized that your best friends weren't around to celebrate it with you. You frowned when you thought that your boyfriend, the love of your life, wasn't around to celebrate it with you. They didn't even congratulate you and you thought that they probably didn't even noticed. What's worse is that they won't be around to celebrate your birthday for the whole day until six in the evening. You were disappointed as you walked past an ice-cream stall.

"Would you like an ice-cream ma'am? You seem to be dull."the worker there asked. You gave the worker there a forced smile before nodding. He passed you the ice-cream and you wanted to pay him back but he said that it was his treat.

You ate the ice-cream as you continued walking in the park. You took a left turn and before you realized it, you were in front of mall. A different one from the one where the love cafe was at but you decided to shrug the thought of having to spend your birthday alone away.You ignored all the shops in the mall and headed straight for the arcade. You exchanged some of your money for tokens and started playing a game. It helped you forget about your best friends but it still hurts. It hurt a lot. You finished the game you were playing as fast as you could and decided to walk around the mall for a change. You noticed a familiar figure and when you took a closer look, you realized that it was Xiao Kai with another pretty girl and the two of them laughing happily together.

"X-Xiao Kai?"you said in a frail voice.

"(y/n)? What are you doing here? This is not what you think."Xiao Kai said trying to explain but no words came out of his mouth. You wanted to just burst out with tears because according to what you saw just now. The sweet words he said, the sweet things he did. They were all lies. So instead you just smiled and walked away. Xiao Kai grabbed your arm and turned you around.

"Aren't you going to say anything? You not saying anything just makes me sadder."Xiao Kai said looking at you with concerned eyes.

"I am just speechless. I just think that I am seriously idiotic. How can I trick myself into loving you? I've seen you with other girls a lot of times but I just fall for your sweet words after. I knew but I wanted to lie to myself. I knew that an ordinary person like me had no chance with you but I still thought that even though it was a lie. It is okay and it still is. See you at the cafe at six."you said as you loosened his grip from yours and walked away once again.

Tears began to flow out of your eyes the minute you were out of sight. You ran as fast as you could with tears in the corner of your eyes and you stopped in the middle of the park as it started to rain.He didn't even run after me. You thought with a disappointed tone. I shouldn't be so selfish. I should thank him for all the things he have done ofr me so far. All the joy he gave me and even the pain he gave me.You thought to yourself as you knelt down on the floor. You looked up into the gray sky as rainwater dripped on your face. You wanted to get up but every muscle in your body refused to. You couldn't help it. You shouted out to no one saying words that you keep in your heart. Not knowing that Xiao Kai was hiding behind the tree.

"It hurts!!! "you shouted out as you wept on sorrow. You thought it only hurts you and it's okay as long as you were the only one hurt but you weren't the only one in pain. It hurts for Xiao Kai as well. It hurts for Xiao Kai watching you cry and weep and he knee he couldn't do anything. He gripped his shirt at the area of his heart as tiny drops of tears fell from his eyes.

You finally got up from your current position and you dragged yourself home. It was already 5 in the evening so you decided to clean yourself up. You took a long warm bath and dried your hair. You put on a long sleeved white shirt and a navy blue skirt. You put on a pair of brown boots and a brown bag before heading off to the love cafe. You told Xiao Kai that you would go and you will even though you seriously don't feel like going. The cafe seemed to be dark so you thought the cafe was closed but the door was opened. You slowly opened the wooden door and it creaked open.

"Is anyone here? "you asked unsure and looking around the cafe but it was too dark to see. You switched on the lights and all of a sudden, a lot of people jumped out and threw on confetti on you.

"Happy Birthday Day! "they all said. You looked around the room but the person you wanted to see most wasn't there.

"Thank you."you said as you gave them a bright smile and laughed.

"Shhh. "Wang Yuan, Qian Xi and Aria shushed you as everyone made way for a certain someone. The whole cafe fell into dead silence and they switched off the lights. You were confused of what was happening and that was when you saw a light across the room. It was Xiao Kai holding a birthday cake while singing you a birthday song as he walked to your with a smirk.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to my dearest angel.
Happy Birthday to you. "

Even after all he did to you today, you couldn't help but smile back at him. His melodious voice and sweet lyrics made you smile and forget about all the sorrow you felt. He stopped singing when he was right in front of you and he kissed your cheek.

"Happy Birthday to my dearest angel. "he said as he pulled away. You blushed as they made you make a wish.

"What's your wish? "Xiao Kai asked with a smirk.

"Why should I tell you? If I tell you, the wish won't work anymore."You teased Xiao Kai as you smiled. You weren't actually faking your smile and you were really smiling from your heart either. You were just glad.

"If you don't tell me, you're not getting your birthday present. "Xiao Kai said as he smirked. You pouted and replied him.

"Fine but you have to let me open my presents first."you said.

"After cake. Do whatever you want after cake. Cake must come first."Wang Yuan declared as Aria and Qian Xi nodded in agreement.

After cake, you opened your presents one by one and received many different types of presents from your friends but you couldn't find Xiao Kai's present.

"Xiao Kai. Where's my present? "you asked him while pouting.

"Right here."he said coming out of the staff's room with a small wooden box.

He handed you the box and opened it for you. You were stunned by what was inside. In the box were two silver rings. One of them carved, I'm his and the other carved, I'm hers. Under the two rings wrote 'Karry+(y/n)=Eternity'.

"I have the same one just with different words. The girl I was talking to just now was the owner of the shop that sold this. I wanted to surprise you so I didn't tell you who she was. Now we have proof that we will be together for eternity. " he said with a smirk as he slipped on his ring before helping you put on yours. You covered your mouth with you other hand and gave Xiao Kai a big hug.

"There have been a lot of misunderstandings in our relationship but we are connected by the red string of Faith. It may get twisted and knotted but it will never break. "he said as he smirked and held your hand. Your right hand was in his left and the two of you wore the ring on that hand. The light reflected on your silver ring and you knew that the red string of fate was really.

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