The End

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"Now we are going to present to you a song. A song written by (y/n) when she still remembered us."

The last sentence that Xiao Kai said made you want to cry more.

It's a song that I wrote. It's a song that the me that felt all those pain wrote. How did I feel when I wrote that song? How much did I love them?

Thoughts like those came rushing into my mind, I didn't have time as the song started. It started with a slow melody, almost a lullaby. A platform slowly rised on the stage, revealing the TFBoys.

王源:蜿蜒的 沿途一路曲折

有时候相信的 未必开花结果

千玺:小路旁 堆积太多叶落

风吹动你和我 剩下沙丘荒漠

王俊凯:小声地 唱着我们的歌

歌词像本小说 渺小到失措

不惆怅 依旧安然无恙

依旧人来人往 上台又散场

王源:我怎么变这样 变得这样倔强

王俊凯:每一步的地方 每一站都不会忘

千玺:舞台上远远的光 落在我的肩膀


我怎么变这样 变得这样疯狂

用这灿烂时光 绽放不一样的光

就算黑夜太漫长 风景全被遮挡


王源:旋转着 故事里的风车

谁总任性的说 有太多困惑

千玺:老地方 依旧安然无恙

依旧人来人往 像从前一样

王俊凯:我怎么变这样 变得这样倔强

王源:每一步的地方 每一站都不会忘

千玺:舞台上远远的光 落在我的肩膀


我怎么变这样 变得这样疯狂

用这灿烂时光 绽放不一样的光

就算黑夜太漫长 风景全被遮挡




我要让全世界记住 我的模样

王俊凯:我怎么变这样 变得这样疯狂

合唱:用这灿烂时光 绽放不一样的光

就算黑夜太漫长 风景全被遮挡



As the music stopped, the lights changed. Wang Yuan lifted the microphone in his hands to say something but Qian Xi was a step ahead of him.

"That was the melodious song that (y/n) wrote for herself. Describing her dreams, ambitions and mostly us. This song said that we changed her. We helped her change. We helped her change into such a crazy person."said Qian Xi, for the first time he said so much on stage without anyone telling him to.

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