Who would be your young/sibling

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✨Aries: Senjuro ✨

Reason: I feel like you bold people would need someone to counter with your personality someone to kinda be the person that you'd least expect to wind you down and be like a sweet kinda hearted person to you :) 

👊Taurus: Genya👊

Reason: I feel like you guys would need to have someone to be just as quiet and concentrated as you but also as loud,kind, and creative like you guys, I feel like you guys would need someone to be like that person who would hold your secrets and be like "ayo wanna go to the store?" Type of dead lol 

💫Gemini: Tanjiro💫

Reason: You guys are the epitome of sweetness but with the extra twist of insecure,anxious,stressed and worried. You guys need someone who is calm and gentle with you but just as much as tough for you guys, I feel like you guys would be eachother emotional support lol 

🌸Cancer: Nezuko 🌸

Reason: You guys are really chill people and a lot like tanjiro Im some ways so I thought you and Nezuko would be nice, she's a kind and justified girl who is quiet and always caring about you even in the bad times. I feel like she'd be your emotional support aswell as free food helper 

🌪Leo: Sanemi 🌪

Reason: I feel like you guys are always putting a facade up, like you're happy and bold but deep down you guys are depressed, so I thought of sanemi! Even if he looks mean and scary and stabbed Nezuko, I think he is the right one. You guys I feel like would be depressed and suicidal which causes sanemi to be that older sibling who cares and lectures you. He cares a lot and tends to act like he doesn't due to his past experiences with you guys. (Your other siblings are Taurus and Genya) 

🐉Virgo: Inosuke🐉

Reason: I feel like people misunderstand you virgos as a baseline boring person but no you aren't. You guys are wild and bold people who tend to keep things hidden because of how much people judge you guys. So I thought of inosuke! He is wild and just amazing! You guys would probably be the older sibling who activates "must protect young child" tyPe of thing which makes you like a mom character to this guy lol 

⚡️Libra: Zenitsu ✨

Reason: I feel like you guys would be siblings because of how much you guys are weirdly funny and cool. I feel like Zenitsu would tell you about the lovely girls he saw *or guys for you girls- or guys?* and you'd be like "Ayo where they at 😏?" And you guys would be just cool all together. Like I can't describe- 

🔥Scorpio: Rengoku 🔥

Reason: I feel like you guys would need a brother like that, he's bold and persistent and tends to be very active while you guys are much like Giyuu and inosuke, you guys are wild and fun! Which makes rengoku the best older brother because of how much he loves spending time with you! You guys would do stupid stunts and crazy stuff while still maintaining the peace until your other siblings walk in the room- (Aka Aries and Senjuro) 

💎Sagittarius: Tengen 💎

Reason: you guys are wild colorful people who are spontaneous so I thought of what would be the best brother for you. Tengen, he compliments on how flamboyant you guys are! And loves spending time with you when he can, headcanon: you guys would play tea party and he was always the flamboyant princess looking one. Anyways I feel like you guys would just be a trouble team because of how funny you both are! You love doing stuff similar to the Rengoku siblings! 

📿Capricorn: Gyomei 📿

Reason: I know you guys go through a lot of stress and tend to overreact and just get scared out of no where. I know you guys through a lot of stuff and so I thought of gyomei and how calming he is, I feel like he'd be the older sibling ready to give you advice and be the shoulder you cry on. He can always tell you the truth straight forward and it would hurt you but even if it did he would do his best to explain what he means! So he is the one that helps you vent and just lets you be you. 

💧Aquarius: Sabito 💧

Reason: Sometimes I feel like you guys are to hard on yourselves. You guys can be cool and bold too! But when the world hits you I feel like you doubt yourself so I thought you'd need sibling who makes sure you know what you know. Sabito would be that sibling who is the one reminding you of who you are and is the one who sometimes gets you both in trouble but that's what makes you guys good siblings is because of the ups and downs you guys face lol 

🌧Pisces: Giyuu🌧

Reason: you guys can be bold and bright people but even you guys can be cold and mean asf but even so you need someone who keeps your head down to the ground even as you guys are. Sometimes you guys are just sitting there depressed and I feel like Giyuu would realize what you both are doing which causes him to snap out of it and lectures you like Sabito would have done for you guys. 

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