Who was your first kiss

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👻Aries: Makomo 👻
Story: You guys were in the final exams and you were readying yourself for the last moments. You looked at her and kissed her then returned to protect whoever you could. 

💉Taurus: Tamayo💉
Story: You were on your "death" bed feeling so sick. And so in pained you were crying and Tamayo saw how sad and hurt you were. She knelt down beside you and kissed your forehead comforting you. 

📿Gemini: Gyomei📿
Story: Gyomei and you were riding horses and enjoying your time together. You both had been enjoying the evening before he grabbed you into a hug and kissed you. 

❤️Cancer: Mitsuri❤️
Story: She basically gave you a kiss on the cheek while you guys were out on a date. She loved you very much. 

👀Leo: Douma👀
Story: You were walking the forest and stumbled upon Douma walking in the moonlight. You and him had seen eachother a few times. He noticed you and walked immediately to you striking a conversation. You both were talking for an hour and a half and ended up kissing.

💎Virgo: Tengen💎
Story: You were walking in the demon slayer corp, Your hair flowing and you looking gorgeous. tengen couldnt take his eyes off of you. he walked up to you quickly grabbing your wrist with enough gentle strength to pull you in, He put his finger on your chin as he lifted you face. he stared and said "You look flamboyant! I cant take my eyes off of you!" and thats when he kissed you. 

👺Libra: Urokodaki👺
Story: you were a friend of this man. He was having a nice tea time with you. He trusted you with seeing his face and you were in adoration of his personality. In the end of the tea you ended up kissing his forehead. 

💀Scorpio: Sabito💀
Story: You both were training and you were faintly giving up. He couldn't help but feel bad. He then began to uplift you so you could feel more encouraged. Even if he did his best you ended up being more insecure. He couldnt help it but instead kissed you gently saying. "You can do it!" 

🌪Sagittarius: Sanemi🌪
Story: You both were on a mission. You were badly wounded after trying to protect Sanemi. He got mad at you and told you what you did and scolded you more about it. He thus grabbed you in and yelled at you one last time. You were greatly mad and yelled back before crying. He realized what he did and quickly hugged you into a kiss. 

🧊Capricorn: Akaza🧊
Reason: He and You were both close people. Even if you were a slayer he loved visiting you and fighting you. even if he was stronger than you he loved fighting you and giving you a good workout. One night you and him were going to spar but you told him how many problems you had since you came to him with a giant scar over your face. He saw through it and comforted you. He kissed your wounds and gently held you. He hugged you tighter as he whispered comforts into your ear. He kissed you and finally let the tightest hug go.

 ⚡️Aquarius: Zenitsu⚡️
Story: Zenitsu was screaming and crying from the fear of the mission he was sent on. You were so annoyed and said "Shut up!" so you slapped him which caused him to cry more. You felt bad in the end and ended up hugging him. You kissed his nose and said "Can you do it for me?" he was filled with relief and quickly got up to go with you even still screaming. 

🖋Pisces: Ruka Rengoku🖋
Story: Ruka was like a mother to you. She was teaching you calligraphy and you were failing so badly. She smiled and told you advice she had. She kissed the top of your head like a mother would and left you to figure it out until she came back.

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