(13) Teenagers

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

True art is channelled through the loving heart, guided by emotions that stir the soul to loving bonds and the sort of imagination that is free and child-like in its sense of wonder and joy or despair and sorrow.

Art is not a technical skill, not one that can be aped by those cold within, yet it can be a path one can take to resuscitate the love they were born with and learn to be brave enough to reconnect with their soul.

Jungkook is a healer of the self and others, for their art is a story told in the foundational languages of the brain, in emotion, in visual dream language and so his paintings are mostly societal medicine and the reason he was so drawn to art becomes ever more obvious.

Hence, these days it's hard to paint for him, he has a lot of things running on his mind, well obviously teenage kids are not easy to deal with yet parents need to be patient all the time. Understand and comprehend is the only mantra that seems to help in situations like these.

Almost everyone sees what a teenager is doing or going through but how many people actually think of the parents who raise them and stand beside them throughout all this, no one actually knows how hard it is until and unless it is what they themselves go through while parenting. The level of patience the parents need to have is not easy to have but one learns that too while parenting.

Known to everyone, there are two types to teenagers- one being the easy going ones, here that is Beomgyu, the other being the difficult ones, here that is Yeonjun.

Every time Taehyung and Jungkook came across another parent who was complaining about their child, it was obvious that the parent's stress was the cause of the problem. They felt stress, they smiled less and hugged less, they were more snappy. The child became naughtier to get attention.

The parent doubled down on the child with anger. The child bottled it up and erupted at school or with anyone they could take it out on. Stress bubbles down to the most vulnerable in society, and so when their kids are acting out the parents need to check in with themselves and be prepared to ask the hard questions to the person in the mirror.

But here?

In the Kim's Paradise?

It wasn't the same, was it?

Although here the situation was completely different, Yeonjun had never faced anything like that. He has got his fair share of love and attention all these years and still has it, it was not something that was his anger or stress talking. Here the scenario was pretty simple yet difficult at the safe time. He has been blinded by materialistic things and some fake people who befriend him because of all those shiny things he has. Taehyung had no other option other than blocking his cards.

Even so, both his parents knew and always had a limit of money so that it wouldn't get in their heads, Yeonjun proved them wrong because even with the limitation on expenses he managed to buy things just too show. Doing that, he forgot that this won't be acceptable by either of his fathers. Not being able to use his cards anymore he finally decided to came back home after a whole of 4 and a half days. Unfortunately for him Taehyung was home when he came back and the first thing he heard was,

"Look who decided to come. Finally remembered home?"


"Nope, not a word to me" Taehyung retorted.

"What made you come back, huh? Oh, yeah maybe because you couldn't spend anymore?"

Jungkook sighed, he knew this was bound to happen once his brat comes back home. Even if he tried he wouldn't be able to save him from Taehyung and not that he wanted to. This time it was very much needed.

"I-It's not that Dad. I am sorry, I wasn't thinking-"

"Oh, yeah? Well start thinking then" Taehyung clicked his tongue, annoyed.

"You are grounded" Taehyung said before walking away.


"I can't help you this time. If he said you are grounded then you are" Jungkook bluntly replied.

"But Papa, I wanted to go see Binnie" He said with his head ducked down.

"Oh, so nice of you to remember him now" Beomgyu mumbled, he was sitting silently till now but hearing his best friend's name irked him up.

"Gyu, not you too please"

"I am not saying anything hyung but I want you to know that he has been very upset with you and I am not happy with you either. You made everyone worried for you and what exactly where you doing, where have you been so busy that you couldn't even call your parents, your brother or your boyfriend?"

"Gyu, stop. It's okay, he is here now" Jungkook said and Beomgyu stopped but walked away as well.

He wasn't mad at his papa for stopping him, he was mad at his hyung for this reckless behavior. Jungkook sighed, slumping down on the couch more.

See you all in the next chapter.
I hope you liked it.💜
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And if there are any mistakes I am sorry for that.
Stay safe and stay happy.💜💜

I might double update- 😁

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I might double update- 😁

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