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(A/n: Contains implicit mentions of sexual intercourse and contextual words)

(A/n: Contains implicit mentions of sexual intercourse and contextual words)

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Third Person's POV

The creaking of wood was the only sound that could be heard in the small park, which was lit just by a distant streetlight and the full moon shining overhead. Jungkook and Taehyung had finished having dinner together for their anniversary an hour earlier, and now they were seeing who could go higher on the swings. 

"I'm winning" Jungkook said, rushing forward as he clung to the two cold chains that connected his swing to the wooden structure above him. The scarf he wore had come undone, trailing behind him as he went back and forth.

"It's not over yet" Taehyung replied. 

He kicked his feet out and swung them hard to match the momentum of his body, which brought him even higher than before, though not as high as Jungkook was going. 

"What was it we said the winner gets?" Jungkook asked, glancing at Taehyung in the moonlit darkness. 

"Wasn't it a foot rub every night for a month?"

"I think we said a week" Taehyung recalled. Then he chuckled, leaning back with his shoulders as his swing finally went higher than Jungkook had reached.

"But I guess we could make it a month"

The next time Jungkook went forward, he beat Taehyung by the smallest amount, though the wooden structure above them creaked terribly.

"I feel like we're gonna break this swing set"

"We might" Taehyung remarked calmly.

"We're probably too big for it"

"Not only that- this thing's even older than we are" Jungkook looked up at the stars and continued to swing as high as he could, grinning to himself. 

But a moment later, he relaxed, letting the swing slow down. Taehyung did the same. 

"Admitting defeat?"

"Let's call it a tie" Jungkook replied.

Then he let out a nostalgic sigh, putting his feet down and digging them into the bark below, which brought his swing to a complete stop. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were here on our first date just yesterday"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's hard to believe that was fifty years ago" Taehyung smiled and thought back to that first night they came to this park as a married couple, having wandered around after going to a movie together.

They had both secretly been nervous about whether or not they should end the evening with a kiss. One did happen before they called it a night, though they had bumped their teeth and been rather awkward about it. But he would still call it one of his favorites.

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