206. One Piece: ~ Reincarnation

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I didn't want to get involved. I wanted to work, and live quietly. Maybe get married and have some kids, and teach them right from wrong. And when they get older, about corruption. That plan went down the drain when he walked into the bar I worked at.

"Hello beautiful, mind giving us some booze and food?" the man with a pompadour asked, as he sat down at a table with two of his friends.

"Of course not," I went over to another table and dropped off their order, before going to get the three pirates some booze and food.

I brought over a tray of booze and meat to the table. During their stay at the bar, I couldn't help but stare at the man with the Pompadour. Fourth Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Thatch. He was more attractive in person, oh god. To think how Marco and Ace would look. I shook my head, and went back to focusing on work.


I stood in front of the children, it was my day off so I was talking a walk through the woods when I came across some children playing. I went to warn them that they were too close to the monster's den, but, I didn't realize how close we actually were until it showed up in front of us.

"Run as fast as you can to the village." I told the kids, while keeping my eyes locked onto the monster.

" I told the kids, while keeping my eyes locked onto the monster

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"Onee-san, what about you?" Claire asked while sniffling. fear in her voice.

They were all scared. I glanced back at them, and sighed internally. Looks like I won't get to have a normal life. I was hoping I wouldn't have had a need for my training. 

"Don't worry, I can protect myself, so run. Now!" I shouted, as I got into a fighting stance.

I didn't look back as they ran, at the moment it was just watching me. I was doing the same, waiting for it to attack. And then it did, it lunged at me. I ducked, so it went over me. Just as it was directly above me, I stood up grabbing its midsection I threw it at a tree. It's heavier than it looks...well. I just have to hold out for a few minutes. The kids should be back at the village by then.


I screamed in pain as I grabbed my arm, I had gotten bitten by the monster, and my arm felt like it was on fire. It just stood there, and watched as I curled into a ball.

"Hey!" someone shouted,

The monster took off, and I was rolled over onto my back. I clenched my jaw as tears streamed down my face. Thatch...what's he and the other two doing here?

"The kids came yelling for help, but none of the villagers would come. So we came instead," one of the guys said, standing to my left.

"It's cause...it's a monster..." I gritted out, trying to curl into a ball but they wouldn't let me.

"Let's get you to the doctor - " the other guy said, as Thatch lifted me up into his arms.

"They won't...treat an infected..." I croaked out, pressing my face into his chest.

"Seriously?!" one of the guys shouted, annoyance in his voice.

"Fear...is a strong feeling...it's fine. Just leave me be..." I gritted out,

"Sorry, not going to let someone as gorgeous as you become monster food. You two, go get rations. We're heading back," Thatch ordered, as he shifted his hold on me.

"We'll meet you at the ship!" one of the guys said, as they both took off running to the village.

Thatch brought me to his little ship, and into the lower deck. I was laid on the bed, I squeezed my eyes shut as he started cleaning my wound and bandaging it. It stung like hell and made my arm burn even more.

"Sorry, this is the best it's going to be for a few days. Just hold on until then, okay?" Thatch said, as he put his hand on my cheek.

"Wh-Why?" I croaked out, my vision growing blurry.

"You're beautiful. Get some rest, you're going to need it." Thatch winked at me, as he went above the deck.

I didn't call or ask again, I was too tired and in a lot of pain.

~ Time Skip, brought by healing ~

I had been on the Moby Dick for three days now, and it's been a week since I left the island. It turned out my beauty was the real reason Thatch decided to save me, though, that was ruined by my arm.

"How are you feeling?" Thatch asked, as he brought me lunch.

"Much better. Thanks to you, I'm still alive." I gave him a soft smile.

"Then, you owe me one?" he rose an eyebrow, with a smirk.

"I owe you my life. What do you want?" I asked him, as I took a bite of the soup he brought.

"Join the crew as a Chef,"

"I'm not a good cook,"

"I can teach you,"

"Why do you want me to stay here?"

"You make good deserts, and, I like you." he smirked, leaning his face close to mine.

"Sure. It'll give me a chance to repay you," I sighed,

"I'll talk to pops, we can get you a room of your own, or,"

"Or?" I rose an eyebrow.

"You can stay with me," he smirked, winking.

I knew he was joking but. It would give me a chance to save him from Teach. I smirked right back at him.

"Why not, we can have some fun," I winked right at him.

"There goes my sleep," he groaned jokingly.

There goes my peaceful life.

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