Part 1: The Mission

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Bucky raced around the corner of the building trying his best to stay hidden from any security cameras that captured the activity outside. Tony and Sam were flying onto the roof to reach a good vantage point while Steve, Natasha and Bucky were covering all entries and exits on the ground of the facility.

The guards had been taken out by Nat the minute they had started their mission, almost like this was second nature to her. Bucky regretted so much of his time as the Winter Soldier but even he had to admit the fight training had come in handy when working alongside the Avengers. Steve watched out for the front entrance knowing that a majority of civilians would need to be led to safety when Tony and Sam would evacuate the building. A large group of ex-Hydra members tried to break into an old base which had been turned into a training school for top government military recruits. The Avengers had been asked to intervene by the Chief of Staff of the United States Army.

While Steve waited for the army members to be ushered out of the front door Nat was tasked with gathering all the intelligence material in the base and wiping any residual information from the servers. Bucky however was the muscle. He covered the secret exit door which the Hydra members would inevitably aim to use for a quick escape. Standing there with a large weapon in his hand he couldn't help but think of his girl, he'd be away from her for far too long. This mission had taken about 3 months to plan and they had been gone from the compound for about 4 weeks now.

A loud sound interrupted Bucky's thoughts. Originally he thought it may have been the door in which he kept a steady eye trained to but he realised that the sound echoed through his ear piece. It was Steve's door. The civilians quickly rushed out of the building and were placed in military helicopters to be flown to a safe zone.

The door in front of Bucky flew open, men started stumbling out of the door, some covered in bruises others in blood.

Bucky raised the weapon waiting for either a surrender or a fire fight to break out. Many of the Hydra men stumbled when their eyes landed on the Winter Soldier that they all feared more than death itself.

"Miss me?" Bucky spoke to them without lowering his weapon.

Bucky heard Tony speak through his ear piece "Barnes, do you have them?"

"They're out here, call in the guys."

Bucky waited for the government official police to drive in the vehicles to arrest the men that stood frozen in their place.

"Really none of you guys are going to try and run away?" Bucky asked in a mocking tone.

None of the men gave any reply, they just stood there looking at Bucky waiting for him to attack them the way they had always seen in their time at Hydra.

The police vehicles drove up to the back exit and began to handcuff all the men that stood just outside the door. When Bucky finally could lower his weapon his phone began to vibrate in his pocket.

Bucky removed his ear pieces and placed them in his jacket pocket to answer his phone. While placing them in his pocket Bucky did not hear the call for his name. He began to wander around the compound trying his best to avoid the other Avengers that could be around the area.

Looking down at the name that lit up his screen Bucky couldn't help the smirk that crept onto his face. He quickly pressed the answer button lifting the phone to his ear while he scanned the area, particularly trying to avoid Stark.

"Hey doll, I'm still on the mission. Is this important?" 






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