Part 13: Need To Know

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Third Person POV:

Bucky's eyes could have fallen out of his head the way they bulged when he had realised that Y/N had heard his entire conversation with Stark. His face twisted in the want to tell her everything but also not wanting to embarrass himself by telling her.

"Baby please, please don't ask."

Y/N smirked knowing this had to be something really good, something that would not only make her brother 'the' Tony Stark apologise but also something that made Bucky squirm.

"Oh now I really need to know. So what talk with Sam made my moronic brother not only okay with us but also APOLOGISE to you?"

Bucky stammered over his words, at this point he didn't even believe he was being convincing, yet he still tried. "It...was nothing...not that big of a deal."

"Come on pretty please!" Y/N put on the biggest puppy dog eyes she could manage. Even throwing in some battered eyelashes for good measure.

"Nope that look won't work on me this time! Nope!" Bucky knew his defences were breaking. Those eyes would always work on him.

Y/N continues her persuading attempt, even adding in her small pouty face with a slight lip bite, knowing how much it would drive him crazy to the point that he would crack about anything. It's how Y/N got all his secrets out of him. It's actually how she got all the dirt on Sam and Steve as well.

Bucky knew it was a lost cause. He couldn't resist that face, it was just too adorable.

"I hate you!" Bucky laughed knowing it was a complete lie but he needed to try and find a way to delay spilling everything to her again.

"No you love me! Come on, tell me! I know I've won!"

"One of these days that won't work on me anymore."

Y/N beamed knowing that meant she had definitely won this one. "It'll always work! Now tell me!"

"Well you see...there may have been a talk with Sam about you" Bucky started rushing his words trying to spill them fast enough that Y/N would either not hear or that she would be too confused to understand. "And I may or may not have said that to make sure you were always happy I would be willing to step away as long as you got to keep Tony in your life."

Despite Bucky's attempt to try and hide everything he spilled Y/N had heard every word of it. Her eyes softened, the love she felt for this man continued to grow with every day but this action, this sacrifice made her love grow in ways she could never understand.

"Awww Bucky..." Y/N's voice softened and she could not think of the words to express how she was feeling right now.

"No! No! Don't. I know exactly what you're going to say! No!" His voice begged her not to say what was in her mind.

"YOU ARE SUCH A SWEETIE PIE!" Y/N blurted out the only words that she always used to describe her love and admiration for the man in front of her.

"No I'm not! I'm a mysterious, quiet, edgy guy. I have a reputation to uphold! Don't ruin my rep with your cute talk!" Bucky laughed knowing this was not the first nor would it be the last time that he asked Y/N to stop referring to him in cutsie terms.

"Cute talk huh?

"Oh shut it! You know you're cute. And you're also very hot. And majorly sexy." Bucky started smirking, his thoughts being taken over by a different head. "You know we could go have some more fun before we go downstairs."

Bucky's smirk was laced with desire but also humour knowing that Y/N would most likely turn down his advances. He was proven right.

"Nope! I'm gonna change and so are you. I wanna hear my stupid brother grovel for my forgiveness."

Y/N pushed Bucky away from her before she gave into his tempting advances. She knew that it wouldn't take much for her to stay here with Bucky for days at a time.

Bucky and Y/N quickly get changed and head downstairs into the lounge that was now filled again with the Avengers. Their soft discussions filled the space, no more silence or screaming, rather it just seemed like any other normal day in the compound.

Steve, hearing the footsteps approaching the room, saw that Bucky and Y/N were standing watching everyone. "Are you guys okay?"

Y/N smiled up at Bucky. "Yeah, we're good." Y/N's gaze turned back to the group of Avengers, noticing they were all staring at the couple. "But I heard from a little birdy that someone here needs to have a talk with me."

All eyes instantly flicked to the man slumped in the large ugly looking armchair in the corner of the lounge. His eyes instantly rolled, like they usually did around his sister. His hand dragged over his face already knowing that this conversation was going to be one of the worst in his entire life. Even worse than the conversation he had with Pepper in her office where he almost poisoned her with strawberries.

"Aw come on bro it shouldn't be that hard." Y/N couldn't help the relentless teasing, after all this was the only way to get revenge for all the horrific words Tony had thrown at her today.

Tony finally pulled his body up, letting out an unimpressed sigh along with his action. "Fine let's go."

Y/N knew that this time she would have to stand her ground. Her big brother couldn't order her around anymore, their relationship had to change in order for her to become her own woman.

"I would rather do this here Tony."

"You don't need to be that scared of me Y/N."

Honesty was the best policy at this point, one thing that the Stark family clearly needed more of in every generation. Y/N knew it would be best just to open up to him, maybe it would help.

"Please Tony...I just...I don't want to be yelled at like that again..."

Bucky stepped in knowing that Tony had a habit of ignoring his sister's requests in favour of doing whatever he wanted.

"Tony just do it here."

The look on Tony's face could be recognised as the most internal battle of ego versus compromise that anyone had witnessed before. "Okay fine!"

Tony turned to face everyone else in the room directly, the look in his eyes could put fear alone into all of the Avengers.

"But if I hear one thing out of anyone else's mouth besides my sister we will have a problem. Am I clear?" Y/N couldn't determine whether this was a threat or a command.

Steve, Wanda and Natasha all looked down knowing that they would have to keep all their comments to themselves. Although they didn't know how strongly they would listen to Tony's threat.

Ultimately Y/N interjected getting sick and tired of her brother prolonging this to make it easier on himself. "I'm waiting T!"

Tony moved his eyes off the other people in the room for the first time meeting his sister's stare. The first time he really looked her in the eyes since he called her every horrible word he could have thought of. Seeing the pain on her face was easy for him, after all he knew her for her entire life. The instant regret filled him, not helping the lump that had been growing in his throat since his talk with Wanda.

"I don't...I don't even know where to start. God Y/N....I cannot even believe...the things I said...I can't believe I said that to you...I'm the worst brother ever..."

Tony took a deep breath before he continued. Y/N's arms crossed over her chest on instinct.

"I'm....I'm so sorry Y/N."






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