Part 15: The Toast

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"So that's how I'm standing here today. Telling this story that I know my sister is definitely embarrassed by."

Tony stood on the stage, decorated with classic white and gold trims. Of course a glass of scotch was perched in his hand while the other gripped the microphone.

Y/N and Bucky looked up to the stage with very different reactions. Bucky was filled with amusement whereas Y/N's held nothing but shock at her brother's speech.

"I can't believe he's telling this story." Y/N leaned over to whisper into Bucky's ear as he sat next to her.

Bucky let out a small laugh, being the only one of the two that had expected something like this from Stark. After all, teasing her was his favourite pastime.

"It's Tony, what did you expect? A normal speech?"

Their eyes reconnected with the stage when Tony spoke louder, probably trying to regain their attention. He was nothing if not an attention seeker.

"I never felt more like an ass than that day a year ago. But my sister found an amazing man who I know will take care of her forever."

Bucky gaped at his admission, not necessarily shocked but rather confused at Tony's comments.

"Did he just call me an amazing man?"

Y/N couldn't help the loud snort of laughter that came out when she saw the look on Bucky's face. Her attempt to compose herself didn't go unnoticed by Tony who smiled at the two of them. Y/N lended back towards Bucky her lips meeting his ear.

"And I thought the apology was shocking."

Bucky and Y/N tried to contain another burst of laughter.

Tony smirked, having a seeming idea what the two would be laughing about given his last statement. "Wow I never thought the day would come where I could call Barnes a great guy."

The younger sister in her couldn't help but interrupt Tony. After all Tony would be used to it by now, given he pretty much raised her. Y/N yelled up to the stage interrupting Tony's speech.

"I think the word was amazing!"

Tony didn't even miss a beat. "Oh shut it, squirt! It's my turn to talk."

Bucky let out a clearly very manly giggle, his eyes turning to Y/N patting her on the head to cause her nothing but aggravation.

"Haha squirt."

Y/N shoved his hand off her head turning to look him square in the eyes.

"You're a pain! I don't know why I didn't run away when I had the chance."

Bucky laughed at Y/N's response knowing that he probably had pushed her buttons. Not that it was that hard to do.

"Cause you love me too much."

Bucky and Y/N hadn't realised that everyone had turned their attention to the pair of them. Tony coughed into the microphone trying to draw the attention back to the stage knowing that these two would never stop now.

"Now that these two won't shut up! I guess I should wrap it up. If you would all lift you glasses."

Tony raised the remaining scotch in his glass, watching as everyone in their seats did the same.

"To Mr and Mrs Barnes."

Everyone in the room repeated the ending line of Tony's speech, some clinking glasses with the people sitting beside them. Some guests more traditionally take a sip out of their champagne flutes.

While everyone began their private table conversations Tony had handed the microphone off to the hosts and returned to his chair on their main bridal table.

Bucky kept his eyes on Tony waiting to just gloat, or rather just annoy him. For someone who was now his brother in law he took the role of pissing him off rather seriously.

"Awwww you love me Tony!"

Tony rolled his eyes at Bucky for probably the millionth time today alone.

"Shut up. I do not!"

Y/N smiled at the two most important men in her life. Their bickering after all made Y/N happy cause she knew it was both their way of showing affection.

"Oh you know you do, T. He's grown on you! You probably love him more than me."

Bucky piggy backed onto Y/N's teasing. "Oh is that true Tony? Do you really love me more?" The smile on his face was almost as wide as when he saw Y/N walk down the aisle.

Tony immediately stood up from his chair, he hadn't even been sitting for more than a minute. Tony only just realised what he was going to be dealing with now for the rest of his life.

"I'm leaving now!"

Bucky couldn't let Tony leave without another snide comment. After all that was never his style.

"The sooner you admit it to yourself Tony the easier it would be!"

Tony stomped off from the table to go and talk to people who wouldn't try and tease him so relentlessly. Unfortunately for Tony storming off from the table just gave Bucky and Y/N one the answer they were looking for and two gave them satisfaction of knowing how easily they could annoy Tony.

This was so far the best day ever for them both, their wedding and another occasion to piss off the all powerful Stark.







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