Part 20: Announcements

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Third Person POV:


Bucky tapped his fingers against the glass table while they waited for Tony to finish up whatever his next project was in the lab.

Y/N couldn't stop the small bounce in her leg that started shaking not only her chair but also Bucky's.

"You're making me more nervous doll!" Bucky snapped slightly. Y/N knew that Bucky was going to be nervous today and her nerves were just making everything more tense.


Bucky let out a small sigh not meaning to snap at her. His hand that had been previously tapping on the table reached down to intertwine their fingers.

"No don't apologise...I'm sorry I's Tony you know." Bucky looked away, not being able to face her.

"Hey this is good news! Okay!" Y/N tried her best to calm him down. If they hadn't been sitting here in the compound she would have a different way to distract him.

"Yeah it is," Bucky didn't even try to hide the small smile that he had just thinking about their news.

Both their eyes darted to the clock every minute just waiting for Tony. God could he be taking any longer.

"What the hell is he doing that needs this much attention?" Y/N aggressively questioned knowing that they'd been waiting 20 minutes now.

"He was getting some stuff sorted out for Bruce."

Tony smiled walking in the doors just when his sister was complaining about him.

"You always do that! HOW?" Y/N smirked standing up to wrap her arms around her brother.

"I just always know when you're talking about me." Tony laughed, his arms lacing around her and lifted her in the air, spinning her gently like always.

Tony placed her on the ground turning to face Bucky that had stood up beside her watching their sibling display.

"Don't spin me around Stark." Bucky warned jokingly.

"Wouldn't dream of it, you stubborn ass." Tony pulled Bucky into a typical man hug giving him a quick pat on his back.

"Oh I'm the stubborn ass! You're a Stark."

"Well at least I didn't marry one."

"Ew gross T!" Y/N started fake gagging.

Y/N, Bucky and Tony moved over to the table to sit down. Bucky and Y/N's nerves started to kick back in watching Tony sit down directly in front of them.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of you two flying all the way to see me." Tony questioned, barely seeing the two of them since they had officially moved to Greece.

"Well we have some news..." Y/N looked every but in Tony's eyes. She wasn't sure in this moment what his reaction would be.

"News? Sounds serious." Tony looked between the pair, neither of them looking at me. "Okay so it's really serious?"

" we've sold the house in Greece." Bucky mumbled out as quick as he possibly could.


"We've bought a place here...we're moving back T." Y/N smiled at him, hoping to ease his worry.

"That's great news...but why would you be moving here? You loved it in Greece."


Y/N stared at Bucky, both of them not wanting to answer his question. She knew it wouldn't disappoint Tony but after the last time she told him big news she didn't want to risk it.

"Will one of you just spit it out?"

"We moved here cause...." Y/N trailed off lost in thought, the only thing she could think about was his reaction.

"We're pregnant Stark." Bucky jumped in, trying to take the bullet for Y/N.

Tony's entire posture changed in one moment, everything became tense. Even the way Y/N wrapped her hand around Bucky's showed every little emotion. Nothing felt worse than sitting there in that moment waiting for a reaction. For anything. But Tony showed nothing, he always did have the best poker face.

Y/N could feel the tears starting to prick at the corner of her eyes.

"T say something...."

Tony's eyes finally met hers. Y/N could recognise the small tears that were forming in Tony's eyes as well. It was like they were a mirror in those moments.

"I'm gonna be an uncle?" Tony's voice sounded like he could burst into tears and smile all in the one moment.

Bucky let out a small laugh at Tony's reaction, his nerves almost went in the opposite directions of the Starks. For some reason he would laugh when his nerves got too much for him.

"Yeah you are Tony."

Tony started smiling at Bucky's reaction. He turned around to face Y/N, a smile replacing the tears in his eyes.

"And you're sure it's Barnes?" Tony finally faced Bucky with a smirk on his face, he always knew the perfect thing to say to annoy Barnes.

"Ouch! I'm really hurt by that Tony." The sarcasm was beyond clear in Bucky's voice.

Y/N turned to face Tony pointing a finger into his chest. "I'm pretty damn sure you man child!"

"You know I'm going to spoil them rotten right?" Tony smirked, pushing away her hand.

Bucky laughed, finally standing up from his chair and placed his hand on Tony's shoulder. "I'm sure you will." Bucky let out a quiet pause. "Cause you can't help yourself."

Tony shrugged Bucky's arm off only to wrap his own around Bucky's neck pulling him into a tight hug.

"You're gonna be a daddy Barnes."

"Oh piss off Stark!"

Bucky and Tony laughed at each other. It finally seemed like they would have the big, happy family they always wanted.






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