Part 14: No More Excuses

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Third Person POV:

Tony looked at the floor, he hated having to have this conversation in front of everyone. After all Tony was a lot of things but his pride was probably the biggest part of his personality.

"I'm a screw up okay! You know I've always been a screw up!"

As much as Y/N wanted to hold onto the anger she had for Tony the love she had for him would always be so much more.

"No you're not T."

"Yes I really am....I've been messing up our entire lives! God Y/N I missed every moment from the minute mum and dad died."

Y/N looked like she had been hit by a car, it was the first time they had ever really spoken about their lives after their parents died. This topic was always off limits, not just to Tony but to both of them.

"You were only 20 Tony, and you basically had to raise me. While you had to run Stark industries. I didn't expect anything from you."

Tony could feel his anger burning inside him, not anger towards Y/N any longer but anger towards himself. "YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN TOO QUICK TO FORGIVE ME! NO MATTER WHAT I DO!"

Y/N shrinked back, part of her not wanting to admit that Tony was right. She wanted to hold onto the big brother that she had always known, the one that she praised for being their when he could make time. "Tony..."

Tony interrupted her immediately, not wanting to hear another excuse for him being a shitty brother.

"Stop making excuses for me! God Y/N I treated you like absolute crap and you still act like I'm the best brother you could have."

"Cause you are. One mistake doesn't change that."

Tony scoffed immediately, everything he had ever done wrong to his sister was playing on repeat in his head.

"One mistake huh? What about the time I left you at school cause I forgot to pick you up? What about the time that I promised to make it to your parent teacher interview and bailed last minute? What about when I left you in another country because I had left with some random chick I was hooking up with?"

Tony's list was bringing tears to Y/N's eyes, never had she thought badly of her brother for any of it. She just chalked it up to Tony being young and not being ready to be a dad to her. He was her brother after all. Tony interrupted her thoughts, continuing his speech about everything he had done wrong in their relationship.

"And let's not forget my recent incident of calling you a slut and almost ruining your relationship. Cause I was a...what was it 'a pathetic attention seeking man child'."

"Tony I've never blamed you for any of that. I know how hard you tried. You were in pain after mum and dad, and you weren't my father, I always understood. And about today...well we'll move on together."

Y/N's attempt at reassurance, although beautiful in theory, did not go over well at all. Tony's expression contorted in frustration towards his sister.


"YES YOU ARE! YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A GOOD GUY! You are my hero! You are my big brother! There is nothing you could do that would make me stop loving you!"

Tony's expression became unreadable as he turned his back on his sister, unable to stomach everything she just shared. He may have put on a great act but deep down Tony was just a scared boy who had lost his parents.

"TONY!" Y/N tried to get him to speak, to look at her, to do anything.

Tony's back still faced everyone while he spoke in a small whisper but everyone could still hear every word. "It would have been better if I had died in that car. I wish you would have killed me Barnes."

To say that Bucky looked shocked would be an understatement, to say he wanted to throw up at how casually Tony had asked for the Winter Soldier to have killed him would be more accurate.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Y/N's voice raised louder than she had spoken throughout the entire day.

Tony didn't move, his back tightened at Y/N's tone but he made no effort to face her

"God Tony! You can't say stuff like that! I need you! I needed you then and I need you now!"

"You've never needed me Y/N."

Y/N couldn't stop the tears that feel down her cheeks. Every word Tony said was like a dagger in her heart. It felt worse than every name he had called her this morning, this felt like he was ripping out her beating heart.

"You're like a father to me T! I'm always gonna need you in my life! You will always be my family."

"You'll always be my baby sister."

"I love you Tony!"

The smile that took over Tony's face was something Y/N hadn't realised how much she missed seeing today.

"I love you too squirt."

"Oi don't call me that!"

"Oh nope I'm gonna keep using that!"

Despite her hatred for Tony's childhood nickname Y/N couldn't help but run into Tony's arms. Besides Bucky's arms it was the one safe space she had, ever since she was a kid she knew Tony would always protect her. Ultimately he went about it the wrong way but that's all he was trying to do today.

A small choked up sound pulled Tony and Y/N apart. Both of them were somewhat confused about who would be crying at this moment. When they looked around the room they both saw Bucky standing against a wall trying to hide the tears that were creating streaks on his cheeks.

"Are you crying Barnes?"

Bucky tried to gain some composure before he would address Stark. "No...There's just something in my eye..." It was so beyond obvious to everyone the blatant lie that Bucky just came up with on the fly.

Y/N smirked knowing that it was time to embarrass Bucky a little bit more today. After all she viewed it as her job as his girlfriend to always be constantly teasing him.

"Awww my boyfriend's such a sweetie pie."

Immediately the room erupted into laughter. Bucky's cheeks flushed red as his stared daggers towards Y/N who simply gave him a sickening sweet smile in return.

Steve's laughter continued long after everyone else as he moved closer to his best friend. "Sweetie Pie???"

Ignoring Steve's obvious attempt to get a further rise out of Bucky he turned to Y/N. His voice lowering as he shook his head not believing she would have gone this far as to tell everyone that stupid nickname.


"What? You are!"

"Oh Barnes you will never live this down...sweetie pie." Stark smirked standing next to Y/N. For the first time Bucky could really see their family resemblance in that sweet yet evil smirk that they both had across their faces.







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