Part 7: Confrontation

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My head whipped around hearing the door almost slam off its hinges, Bucky storming through the doorway throwing off his jacket.

"Okay Tony! That's enough!" It was rare that I ever heard Bucky raise his voice.

I saw the change in Tony's posture seeing Bucky since he had learned of what he deemed a betrayal. "Oh look! The hero has come to save the day." Tony oozed sarcasm as he paced further around the room.

Not wanting this to escalate any further I stepped forward placing my hand on Bucky's chest trying to ease the anger that I knew would be bubbling under the surface.

"Buck it's okay, he didn't mean it."

Before I could even look up to try and talk to Bucky I could hear Tony move closer. His voice filled with more and more anger.

"Oh I really do mean it! How could you do this Y/N? HE RUINED YOUR CHILDHOOD!"

My hand placed on Bucky's chest began to rise and fall even more rapidly than when he first walked in. I could start to hear the thumping of my own heartbeat ring in my ear.


It took all my strength to avoid smacking Tony straight across his stupid smug face. At that moment I didn't know if anyone else in the room was seeing red, all I knew was that the more I looked at my brother the more I was.

"YN it's okay. This is an issue between Tony and I. He's just taking it on you. Although I don't know why he didn't sort this out sooner, rather than screaming at his baby sister."

"Oh I'M taking this out on her! That's rich coming from you."

Bucky slowly moved towards Tony who was pouring himself another scotch. I tried to look away from the fist that Bucky had clenched at his side.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well you clearly enjoy hurting people in my" Tony plastered a smug grin on his face knowing he was going to get a rise out of Bucky.

"TONY! YOU ARE SO OUT OF LINE! You seriously think he would hurt me! YOU THINK BUCKY WOULD HURT ME? HE LOVES ME!"

"Does he though? Or is he just using you? Like he used Hydra as an excuse."

The clenching in Buckys jaw I swear could have snapped the bone. It was almost like I could see the tipping point of Bucky losing his temper. His arm reached out grabbing Tony's scotch glass ripping it from his hand. The glass he clenched in his fist he threw against the wall that was behind Tony. The glass shattering into a million pieces, the liquid seeping down the wall.

"Say that again Stark! Let's see what happens!"

Bucky, full of anger, tried to put some distance between himself and Tony.

"Finally the real Barnes makes an appearance!" Tony walked back over to his bar pouring himself another drink.

Bucky stood in front of me, his hands reaching to slowly rub my arms trying to comfort me. I wanted to just wrap myself around him and cry.

"Baby please go..."

I knew that I couldn't stay here, they needed their own time to talk without me, but I didn't want to leave them alone. I know that I'd make it worse if I stayed.

I leaned up to try and reach Bucky's ear, trying to whisper to avoid making the situation any worse with Tony.

"I love you!"

I turned quickly walking out of the automatic doors.

Third Person POV:

"Really Barnes? Couldn't just leave my family alone!"

"Tony, can we just sort this out for Y/N's sake!"

"Oh yeah okay! I'll just get over the fact that you killed my parents" Tony continued with his sarcastic tone. "And then we can talk about the fact that you are fucking my baby sister! And turned her into a slut!"

If Bucky was angry before this was a new level. Hearing the words come out of Tony's mouth made something snap inside of him.

"You better be careful about the next words that come out of your mouth Stark!"

"Or what Barnes? You gonna hit me?" Tony tried to egg him to get a rise out of Bucky.

"No I'm not!"

"Oh why? Trying to play the good guy? You're putting on a pretty big act. And to what get in my sisters pants?" Tony was blinded to the words he was even using, almost like he was forgetting that he was talking about his sister.

Bucky couldn't believe this was the same brother that Y/N would tell him stories about. The one that took care of her, the one that loved her. Now he was the one calling her the most disgusting names.


"Oh what don't like what I have to say? Don't like me talking? I thought that's what you wanted?"

"We are not talking about me and Y/N! We are talking about you!"

"Fine, let's talk about me! Well Y/N matters to me so.....I'm gonna talk about her and me then." Tony walked closer, his sarcasm turning into anger, "please tell me what made you think that after killing someone's parents the next step is to date their daughter."

"I didn't plan on falling for her Tony!"

"Oh cause that makes it better! Alright, how about you answer this question? Have you had sex with my sister?"

Bucky's face contorted with disgust. "We are not talking about this!"

"STOP IT! You wanted to talk! So you don't get to choose what is and isn't up for discussion!"

"Oh you want to go there. Let's go there then!" Bucky countered Tony's attitude. "You want to blame me for killing your parents when I had no control. FINE! Then riddle me this! Who is at fault for Wanda's parents death?"

For the first time since Tony had entered the room today he didn't have anything to say. He was speechless.

"What nothing to say Stark?"

Tony gulped before trying to answer Bucky's attempt at turning the tables on him. "That was out of my control! I didn't know what would happen? I....I didn't set out to murder them."

Bucky tried to hide the fact that he knew he finally had Tony where he wanted him. "So it was like you didn't get to make the decision? Like you didn't have a say in what you were doing?"

Tony took immediate offense to Bucky's insinuation. "Our situations are nothing alike."

"Tony they are the exact same! I had no control! Neither did you!"

"You know what I think?" Tony tried to deflect the attention from his own mistakes.


"I think you are trying to prove that you're better than your best friend in bed!" Tony spat out at Bucky hoping to aggravate him even further, if that was even possible. 




AHHH PRETTY PROUD OF MYSELF! TWO UPDATES IN ONE WEEK!! Let me know what you guys think in the comments and don't forget to vote.

xoxo Courtney 

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