Part 16: The Reception

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Third Person POV:

Bucky smirked watching Tony as he walked away. After all, who wouldn't love to piss off their new brother-in-law.

Steve sitting at the bridal table just shook his head at his friend. It was almost like the Bucky he used to know, his childhood best friend was finally back. Y/N after all made Bucky the happiest he had been since the war.

"He makes it so easy to annoy him." Bucky laughed leaning closer to his new bride.

"Yeah he really does, doesn't he?" Y/N returned Bucky's laughter with her own. Her smile wide realising just how lucky she was to have married her best friend and get a partner in crime to further aggravate her brother.

Their smiles were quickly interrupted by the MC of the wedding picking up the microphone. A small squeak echoed over the speakers as it moved.

"I would now like to invite the newly Mr and Mrs Barnes for their first dance."

The sweet sound over the speakers made butterflies spread in Y/N's stomach. Of course she was nervous who wouldn't be having to dance in front of a huge ballroom full of their friends and family.

Luckily for Y/N she married an incredible man who would take any opportunity to push her outside of her comfort zone. After all Bucky Buchanan Barnes was nothing if not the best dancer from Brooklyn in the 1940's.

"Bucky I'm gonna look so stupid." Y/N pleaded while Bucky led her to the centre of the dance floor.

His smile only widened at Y/N's nerves poking out. "Never! You are nothing short of perfect, doll. In every way!"

Y/N's heart swelled at the compliment. Although it didn't stop the thud of her heart from ringing in her ears as her arms were placed gently onto Bucky's shoulders. His hands gently rested on the curve of her waist.

Their swaying started slowly with the acoustic music from the small band they had hired. After all Y/N was nervous for something that they had practised a million times over. Y/N could hear the slight change in the music knowing it was time for what they had rehearsed. Y/N swallowed hard while Bucky just looked amused and excited.

"Okay let's do it!"

The increase in the music pace and the addition of an electric guitar grabbed the attention of all their guests. Everyone's eyes instantly widened and connected even harder with the couple on the dance floor.

The goofiness started showing when Y/N and Bucky swayed even faster with their smiles wider than before. Pulling away from each other Bucky grabbed Y/N's hands to spin her around so she connected with his chest. Moving side to side they couldn't take their eyes off each other, even if Y/N had to keep looking over her shoulder at that moment. Bucky quickly reconnected their hands and spun Y/N all the way out allowing her dress to float along the dance floor.

Bucky took the lead in spinning them quickly around the dance floor, all those skills from his past really shining through. Their laughs were drowned out by the loud music but their smiles said everything.

When they reconnected Bucky pulled Y/N down into a dip making her laugh and smile even more if that was possible. Her small giggles only being able to be heard by her new husband.

Y/N could see that her reaction sparked something more in Bucky, wanting to see her smile again and again for the rest of his laugh. Bucky couldn't help himself but to pick Y/N up and spin her around in the air before dropping her into an even deeper dip than before. When his hand slid up her back to help her stand in front of him her arms wrapped around his neck.

Their lips connected in a passionate kiss full of happiness.

"If anyone else would like to, we now invite you to join our bride and groom on the dance floor."

Many guests stood up to join in the fun, energetic dance. Bucky and Y/N were getting exhausted by that point. Excusing themselves from the dance floor they made their way back to their seats.

Y/N breathed heavily as she slumped back in her chair making over exaggerated panting sounds.

"That was fun! I haven't danced like that since the 40's."

"Don't get used to it Barnes." Y/N smirked knowing that if Bucky ever asked her she would always say yes in a heartbeat.

Y/N felt a warm hand lightly touch her shoulder to grab her attention. Her eyes met her brothers.

"Come on squirt! Time for my dance." Tony smiled sweetly at his little sister, his pride of being her older brother showing in his smile.

Tony guided Y/N back to the dance floor leaving a beaming Bucky to talk to his best man.

Gently swaying to the now calmer music Tony and Y/N were able to finally talk alone, the first chance they had, had all day.

"Thank you T."

"For what Squirt?"

" whole life...for staying...for loving me..and Bucky."

Tony smiled as he pulled his sister closer while they danced. At this point they were more hugging than dancing.

"Always and forever squirt."

Y/N feigned a shocked gasp, even placing her hand over her heart to add to her teasing.

"Did you just admit that you love Bucky?"

Tony quickly wanted to take back everything he said. He would never hear the end of this, not from Y/N and certainly not from the metal man still sitting at the table.

"Nope. I didn't do that. I don't know what you're talking about." Tony tried to cover his tracks. Failing miserably.

Y/N's smirk didn't fade but it might have morphed in a smile as she laid her head onto Tony's shoulder.

"Whatever you say T."

Bucky quietly snuck up behind the two dancing, his hand resting on Y/N's lower back to grab her attention.

"Hey babe it's time..."

Y/N looked shocked at how quickly everything had happened. It was already time for them to leave on their honeymoon. But to Y/N it felt like the day had still only just begun.

"Okay...I guess I'll see you in a month T! Try not to miss me too much."

Tony released his grip on Y/N from their dance and quickly pulled her into a side hug.

"Let's go Buck."

"After you Mrs Barnes!"

Bucky trailed after Y/N as the two left the wedding hall. All the guests moved outside quickly with bright sparklers waving the couple off as they reached their car that Tony had bought for them as a wedding gift. Bucky opened the door for Y/N to get in, after helping to make sure her dress was in the car Bucky and Y/N sped off. Y/N sticking her hand out the window to wave goodbye to their guests one last time.







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