Part 12: Knock at the Door

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Third Person POV:

While Bucky pulled up his pants he turned to Y/N who had not moved from her spot on his bed, she was just too comfortable to get up.

Bucky moved around the bed pulling her up until she stood in front of him completely bare. A small blush crawled on her face when his eyes travelled up and down her body. His hands grasped her cheeks while he spoke.

"Put some clothes on..." Bucky interrupted his own statement by giving Y/N a small peck on her lips. "And maybe I'll take them off soon." Bucky added a seductive wink at the end of his sentence.

Y/N let out a small laugh before she picked her clothes up hiding behind Bucky's bed to get changed knowing that no one would be able to see her from the door.

"I'll go tell Steve to leave us alone while you change!" Bucky called back over his shoulder.

Bucky reaches the door quickly pulling it open to reveal the person behind the interruption. Bucky's face dropped instantly seeing the face of his girlfriend's brother standing in front of him with an unreadable expression plastered on his face.

"Hey...uh can we talk?"

Y/N hearing's her older brother's voice started freaking out internally knowing she was still standing half naked in Bucky's bedroom. Y/N starts rushing even faster to pull her underwear and clothes on to cover up before she is potentially seen. Y/N let out a quiet "shit" under her breath pulling her shirt over her head. Y/N didn't care that Tony would find her here but she did not need him to see her almost naked.

Bucky started babbling trying to think of a way out of Tony finding Y/N in his bedroom.

"Oh give me one second..."

Bucky quickly slams the door shut in Tony's face turning around to face Y/N who did not have the same look of concern on her face. Bucky started lowering his voice just in case Tony was listening at the door.

"Ummm go to the bathroom!" Bucky tried to think of a hasty solution.

"Who cares? He's such a dick...I don't care if he knows I'm here."

Bucky's eyes softened, being able to read the frustration all over her face. "Doll...I just need to hear what he has to say. And if you're there I'm going to get into overprotective boyfriend mode."

Y/N's smile widened when she heard his reasoning, "Fine but you owe me." Y/N added a suggestive wink knowing that they would definitely not be getting any sleep tonight.

"Oh I can definitely owe you."

Y/N smirks while walking off to the attached bathroom to Bucky's room, while Bucky walks back over to his bedroom taking a deep breath before going to speak to Tony again.

"You can uh...come in Tony."

Tony steps into the bedroom, while Bucky gently shuts the door behind him. The silence echoes louder the longer the two men just keep staring at one another without a single word spoken.

"So..." Tony tried to get to start a conversation with the man who he had just been beyond disrespectful towards.

"Just cut to it Tony!" Bucky's patience was wearing thin.

" I lied before...Rogers and Y/N were never a thing..."

"I know..."

"Barnes...I'm...I...I just wanted to say I'm..." Tony stuttered over his sentence not knowing how to even do this. He didn't know what the right thing would be to say in this moment. Well he knew what he wanted to say but saying it was difficult for him.

Bucky's anger started rising again, his voice lowered to more so talk to himself than Tony. "Typical!"

"Okay...I'm...I..I'm sorry." Tony finally let the words out, the words he could count on one hand the amount of times he had said in his entire life.

"Did 'THE' Tony Stark just apologise?" Bucky couldn't help the smug look spreading on his face.

Tony let out a deep sigh meeting Bucky's gaze, "yeah I did."

"What for exactly?"

"You're really gonna make me spell it out when you already know?"

Bucky doesn't even need to speak for Tony to know exactly what was running through his mind. The look of 'I'm gonna make you work for it' was clear enough that anyone could see it.

"Fine!...I'm sorry for lying and...No I'm not doing this!"

If anyone's stare could ever actually kill someone it would be Bucky in this moment. The harbinger of death wouldn't even want to take him on at this point.

"I came here because I know how much you care for Y/N! And I think I can learn to deal with whatever you guys are."

"You didn't know before! Why now? How do you know? What changed in the literal hour we were gone?"

Tony kicked himself for mentioning it. Everything was about to get a lot worse before it got better. "Uhh...."

Bucky moved closer to Tony, his voice raising even louder, "tell me!"

Tony looked away before he spoke, trying for the first time to make himself smaller. "Wanda showed me...uh your talk with Sam..."

"What talk?"

"Umm were talking about a week ago...about Y/N...uhhh telling me..."

"WHAT THE HELL STARK! THAT WAS PRIVATE! YOU HAD NO RIGHT!" Tony flinched at Bucky's reaction, preparing himself didn't exactly pay off in this situation.

"I won't tell anyone okay. Not even Y/N...I just wanted to let you know I won't interfere okay?"

Bucky fought with himself. Part of him wanted to smack Tony across his face but another part of him wanted to put this to bed. If not for himself to stop having to talk to Tony then at least for Y/N.

"Fine...but you need to apologise to your sister! And then we'll talk!"

"I know...I will..."

"You can go now!"


Tony walks out of the room, the nerves of talking to his baby sister kicking in. Quietly he shut the door leaving Bucky alone, Bucky kept his eye trained on the door making sure Tony wouldn't come back.

Y/N popped her head out of the bathroom door, checking to make sure the coast was clear. When she noted that Bucky was the only person left in the room she turned to face him, her face a mix of confusion, anger but most importantly curiosity.








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