Deep secrets

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After a long thought, Jieun decided to finalise her decision. She sighed but felt worried at the same time. She wanted to confide with someone but the only trusted friend she had was Minwoo whom she haven't make up with.


After work, she walked home, still contemplating although she had made a decision. She spotted a food tent nearby and went in. She ordered kimbab and a bottle of soju. Soon, she was drunk and talked nonsense by herself while releasing her anger.


Meanwhile Minwoo was walking around the street and saw the same food tent that Jieun was in. He walked inside and sat at one corner. He didn't realise Jieun was there. He was about to order when he heard a familiar voice.

"Yah! Why did you have to make this stupid decision huh?! You're happy that you ruin my life right!?" Jieun shouted in drunkard state towards her kimbab that she was eating.

Minwoo looked towards that direction and saw Jieun from afar. He was shocked to see her in drunkard state. Then he saw her crying. The people around her watched her. Then he saw her getting up in a dizzy state and kept stumbling. Minwoo instinctly went to her aid and brought her outside. Jieun felt that someone was there beside her but didn't notice it was Minwoo.

She turned to face him and said,"Yah..let go..I walk home by myself...."

"Are you sure? In this state?" Minwoo asked.

"Yah...are you mocking me?" Jieun pointed a finger from him to herself.

Jieun then let herself go from him and tried to walk steadily but later she stumbled again but luckily Minwoo swiftly caught her.

Minwoo then helped Jieun to flag a cab to bring to his own home since he doubt that she might not live at her old house. Along the way, Jieun kept whining, crying and blamed herself for whatever had happened. Then, after all that, she fell asleep on his shoulder. Minwoo just sighed and looked at her from sideways. When they had reached his apartment, he brought her to his room and covered her with a blanket. He carefully sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. He swept her fringe away from her forehead and said softly,"You really had it tough...I feel so guilty for suddenly leaving you a few years ago..."

Just then, she cried in her sleep while muttering,"...Umma..appa...don't leave me..."

She then unknowingly hold onto Minwoo tightly. Minwoo felt warm with her touch and kissed her temple.


The next day, Jieun slowly opened her eyes due to the sun shining towards her. As she opened her eyes, she saw someone sleeping beside her, not knowing it was Minwoo. Minwoo then slowly opened his eyes and she instinctly screamed which made him screamed too. Then both of them stopped screaming. Jieun rubbed her eyes in disbelief and muttered,"...M..Minwoo...?"

Minwoo gave a sigh and said,"Wae?"

She then jolted from the bed and felt that her clothes was still with her. She then looked around the room and asked,"How did I get here head..."

She felt a slight headache and Minwoo said,"You were drunk yesterday and I saw you on the way home.."

"...I..didn't say anything weird to you right..?" Jieun felt cautious.

"No..," Minwoo lied to assure her.

Jieun gave a sigh of relief. She then asked for permission to go to the washroom and looked into the mirror. She then hit her head with her knuckles and blamed herself.


After a while, she came out from the washroom and she saw a glimpse of Minwoo cooking something up. She slowly approached him and apologised while bowing,"I'm so sorry trouble you.."

"Have breakfast first before you go,"Minwoo said without turning to her.

"Its okay, I'll just head home for breakfast," Jieun awkwardly answered.

"I make breakfast for two. So stay for breakfast," Minwoo turned around with two plates of breakfast.

"," Jieun answered and followed him to the dining table.


During breakfast, Jieun ate her food quietly but kept glancing at Minwoo. He noticed her secretly glancing at him and asked,"If you have something to say, say it."

"...Why...are you being nice to me..?" Jieun asked.

Minwoo didn't answer and kept eating. Jieun asked again,"If you keep being nice to me, I won't be -."

Just then Minwoo put his chopsticks down and said without looking at her,"Are you and Jay live together?"

He posed her a question although he kind of know the answer. Jieun stopped eating and hesitated,"Why did you ask that?"

"Just asking...Cos I saw him going out from your house the other day when I was walking past," Minwoo told her.

"'s..uh..we are...," She lied.

"Kere? So your parents let both of you live together?" Minwoo mentioned her parents.

"My parents..? Uh..yeah..," Jieun's voice faded away while lying.

"So how are they?" Minwoo asked her.

Minwoo didn't know that her parents had passed away and she did not want to let him know about what had happened as she did not want him to sympathise her more about her current situation since they are still not in good terms.

"They're...good..," She said softly.

When she had done with her breakfast, she stood up from her seat and excused herself to leave his house. But before she walked off, she decided o go to the washroom first. While she was in the washroom, her phone that was on the table rang. Minwoo glanced it over and Jay was the one calling her. Minwoo just let it rang till Jieun came back but she took a long time in the washroom. Minwoo picked up the call and before he could answer, Jay scolded through the phone, not knowing Minwoo on the line instead Jieun.

"Why are you slow in taking up my call?! You DO know that my time is precious! Have you decide about my proposal? You are left with tomorrow to give your answer. If you fail to give me your answer, something bad will happen to you. And you wouldn't want to know what that "bad" thing will be, right? Choose a decision that will benefit you, arasoh?!" Minwoo heard Jay's angry voice and soon Jay ended the call.

Upon hearing that, Minwoo kept wondering what Jay was trying to imply.

"...Minwoo ah, why are holding onto my phone?" Jieun asked from behind him.

Minwoo who was in deep thought, was slightly surprised and he turned to face her with a serious look while saying,"Did something happen to between you and Jay?"

Minwoo showed her that Jay called a while ago. Jieun's expression suddenly changed and she swallowed hard.

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