Memory Loss

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On one particular day, Jieun's fingertips moved slightly. Suho had been there for her the whole time, was surprised and called her name softly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. Suho beamed a smile and said softly,"Jieun ah, you're awake."

She turned to look at him with a confusion look and asked,"...Duguseyo..?"

"I'm Suho...your fiancè," Suho lied to her.

"My..fiancè..?" She blinked multiple times.

Suho nodded with a smile and stroked her hair. Then he thought *It's better for her to believe that. From now on, I'm going to have a fresh start with her.* In addition, he decided to change her name to Naeun so that no one would know about her.


The following weeks, Jieun had been temporarily stopped working due to her mental health. Suho had bought a small yet comfortable studio for the both of them to live in. This also helped him to take care of her and attend to her needs. And these few days, Jieun had always been happy whenever Suho was around. At the sametime, Suho had changed her number so that no one can contact her especially Minwoo. Suho couldn't be more happier that she was on his side always.

Both Jieun and Suho was sitting together on a sofa while watching a romantic movie, accompanied with a big bowl of popcorn and soft drinks. Suho put his arm on her shoulders while she rested her head on his broad shoulder.

"Suho ah, I'm glad we're not in that situation," Jieun talked about the the couple arguing in the scene and she continued again,"If I was her, I won't forgive that guy. He shouldn't have lied to her and take advantage of her situation. That is not the way for him to have her by himself."

Upon listening what she commented, his facial expression changed and recalled what he did to her. He peered over her and heart started to beat fast. She noticed his behaviour and looked up while asking,"Are you alright? You seemed fidgety.."

"Uh..I'm..I need to head to the toilet for a while," Suho quickly excused himself to the kitchen instead after she was back focused on the movie.

He leaned against the table and closed his eyes while muttering,"What have I done...Should I just tell her the truth..?"

But then, his head told him that everything he did will be in vain. Besides, she is happier now. And he got what he wanted. He took a deep breath and came out from a kitchen with 2 glasses of cold water. He sat back with Jieun and flashed a fake smile.

"Are you okay?" Jieun asked while having a sip of water.

"Y..yeah," He took a sip and pretended to be preoccupied with the movie.

Jieun then laced her arm around his arm and rested her head on broad shoulder and sighed happily,"I wish everyday would be like this..Just you and me here."

Suho swallowed hard and just gave a brief nod.


The next day, Jieun decided to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. She seemed to be in happy mood and couldn't wait to make a special dinner for Suho. She decided to drive a car left by Suho to the supermarket. As soon as she arrived, she parked the car and off to the market. She grabbed the basket and browsed the shelves carefully.

At the same time, Minwoo and the twins were in the same supermarket as Jieun, UNEXPECTEDLY.

"Yah, didn't Donghyun hyung told us not to buy snacks anymore?" Kwangmin asked Youngmin, his other twin.

"Yes..but this is different. This my brother, is not like any other snacks. This is an energy bar which gives us the ENERGY to work. Get it? Energy bar for energy?" Youngmin joked around which are not even funny to Minwoo and Kwangmin.

Seeing that they're not laughing was glaring hard at him, Youngmin stopped laughing and sighed,"Fine..I won't include this into our shopping list. Sheesh."

They continued to shop when someone caught Kwangmin's attention.

"Dude, isn't that your girl?" Kwangmin nudged Minwoo.

"My...girl..? Who are you talking about now?" Minwoo asked while trying to select which one to put into the basket.

"What's her name again...? Jenny?..Jaime..?" Kwangmin tried to remember her name.

"Yah, those names are not even close! It's Jieun," Youngmin corrected her brother.

At mentioning the familiar name, Minwoo stopped whatever he was doing. He looked to where the twins were staring and he blinked multiple times to confirm.

*...Jieun..?* Minwoo frowned.

He wanted to step forward towards her but did not have the courage to. When he saw Jieun was about to face his direction, he turned around to avoid her some reason. The twins saw that and asked,"What are you doing?"

"Uh...just trying to figure out which should we buy..," Minwoo tried to find an excuse.

"Right...By the way, she's coming here," Kwangmin said.

"Let's head to the fish section. We don't have a lot of time," Minwoo tried to drag them stay away from Jieun but it was too late.

Youngmin had already said something to her. She looked a little surprised at first but giggled at his joke. Then Youngmin and her turned to where Minwoo and Kwangmin were. Instead of giving a cold shoulder, she seemed to give him a warm sincere smile which made him slightly confused after what happened the other night. They approached them and Jieun introduced herself which made Minwoo even more confused.

After she introduced herself, Youngmim said to Minwoo,"We should totally invite her to our house the next time."

Minwoo did not respond and kept staring at her which made her uncomfortable. Kwangmin noticed what was going on and said,"I'm sorry. He's confused. You..remind him of her. Unexpectedly, you look a lot like his girlfriend."

"Ah..really? But she must be prettier," Jieun smiled.

Then her phone rang. She smiled at who was calling her and answered sweetly. She then looked at the guys and continued talking. After that she hung up and said,"I gotta go. I'll see you guys some other time."

"Yeah. See you Naeun," Both of the twins waved while Minwoo watched her walking away.

Something peculiar about her made him curious.

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