Biggest shock

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After physical lesson ended, Minwoo sat beside Jieun on the bench, feeling frustrated with Jiyeon by the way she acted in front of Suho.

"Who does she think she is? Acting all goody-goody to him," Minwoo said in frustration.

While Minwoo complained, Jieun just stayed quiet while wiping her sweat. Noticing that he was the only one talking, he looked over at Jieun who was drinking her water.

"Jieun ah, you okay?" Minwoo asked.

"Ehm," Jieun briefly answered while remembering the way Jiyeon glared at her.

Just then, Jiyeon came over and smugged,"See you during cheerleading practice."

After she said that, she walked off and linking arms with Suho who was wiping his sweat.

"Are you sure you can still continue with cheerleading with her? Shouldn't you just quit?" Minwoo got worried for her.

"It's fine. Don't worry about me," Jieun stood up and gave a small smile before walking off to the shower room.

Minwoo just watched her walking off and couldn't help being worried for her. After showering, Jieun went to get ready for cheerleading practice. As she walked into the cheerleading practice room, all eyes were on her. Jieun just walked past them and sat at the corner.

Just then, a door flew open and the girls squealed.

"OMO!! It's them!!" The girls exclaimed.

Jieun looked up and saw Jiyeon and EXO-K together.

"Girls, from now on, they will join our team till our cheerleading competition. Guys, we need 6 more guys right?" Jiyeon asked the boys.

"Kind of," One of the boys shrugged.

The EXO-K gave a fake smile and all the girls felt excited. Then, Suho's eyes made contact with Jieun's. Jieun quickly looked away and pretended to be busy with her phone. Kai saw the both of them and started to wonder between the both of them.

During the practice, the girls kept glancing at EXO-K members and wanted to get closer to them.

"Chanyeol oppa, I..bought you a chocolate for energy," One of the cheerleaders shyly gave it to him.

"Thanks. I'll enjoy it," Chanyeol flashed a smile which made the girls swooned.

During the break, Jieun went to have a drink of water and sat alone to have a rest from all the practice. Kai took the opportunity to walk up to her. The girls were busy with the other members.

"Hey," Kai sat beside her.

"Hai," Jieun gave a small smile and back to her phone.

"Why aren't you hanging out with the other cheerleaders?" Kai asked her.

"I just want to be alone," Jieun lied.

"Well..I do too," Kai smiled.

Seeing that Jieun was keeping quiet all the time, he decided to tell some jokes to break the awkward atmosphere. Suho who was keeping Jiyeon company, glanced over to Jieun and Kai. He saw her laughed and Kai noticed Suho looking at the both of them. He decided to make some skinship with her and saw him looking shocked.

*Ahahaha. I knew it. He DOES have a thing for her* Kai thought with glee.

After their break, Kai decided to make the cheerleading a little fun. He went over to the radio and turned on his favourite dance song. He 'wow' the cheerleaders with his slick moves and went the song hit the climax, he turned to Jieun and held his hand towards her. The girls looked surprised including herself. Kai slowly took her hand and pull her up slowly.

"What are you doing?" Jieun talked softly to him.

"Make it more fun," Kai whispered to her while watching Suho looking directly at them.

She looked at him with confusion as Kai led the way and she carefully followed his steps. Every move was awed by the cheerleaders.

"I wish I was her!!" They said in whispered tone which can be heard by Suho and Jiyeon.

Jiyeon watched the both of them and started to get jealous of them. After they danced, Kai led her to a seat. Just then, Ms Sheila came in.

"Okay, people. I have an announcement to make," She came in without looking whose in the cheerleading practice room.

She looked up and saw EXO-K being surrounded by cheerleader girls.

"EXO-K? What are you guys doing here?" Ms Sheila asked Suho.

"Ms Sheila, I've brought them so that they can help us with our moves. Will that be okay, Ms Sheila?" Jiyeon asked sweetly.

"Hmm..I'm okay if it benefits us. But will it be okay for you guys?" Ms Sheila asked them.

"Ye!!" The cheerleader girls shouted excitedly.

"Not you girls. I'm asking them," Ms Sheila pointed to EXO-K.

"We..don't mind, Ms Sheila," Suho said with a small smile.

"Great. Anyways, as I was saying. I have an important announcement to make...,"Ms Sheila opened up a letter on her hand.

As she read, all eyes were wide open and gasped. They turned to Jieun and couldn't believe their ears. Jiyeon too was shocked and suddenly felt more hatred towards her. Jiyeon swallowed hard and looked at Ms Sheila. Ms Sheila nodded slightly and mouthed sorry to her.


Sorry for the late update! Been busy with schoolwork! But I'll try to update more often if I have tge time! ^^ Anyways, thank u for supporting the story ;)

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