Snow Kiss

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The next day in school, everybody admired her dress. They crowd around her.

"Jieun ah, isn't this like the lastest fashion in town??!" One of the awed.

"Yup. It's pretty, isn't it?" Jieun smiled.

"Beautiful.. Did your parents buy it for you?" Jiyeon who was beside her admired her dress and


"Hmm..nope. Someone bought it for me," Jieun told them.

Just then she saw Minwoo walking towards his locker. Jieun called him across the hallway while waving her hand. He looked at her direction and his heart started to beat faster. He touched his chest and wondered. *What happened to me?* Jieun was still waving at him and he gave a little wave. She urged him to come to where she was. After putting hid books in, he walked towards her and wondered.

"What's up girl?" He tried to act normally and looked around.

"Do I look different?" She twirled around.

Minwoo looked at her and was surprised to see the dress that he bought for her. He was about to compliment her when..

"You look beautiful, Jieun shii," Someone complimented her.

Everybody looked to see who was it and shrieked when they saw Exco standing behind them.

"The dress looks beautiful on you," Suho gave his charming smile towards her.

Jieun's face turned bright red and said,"Thank you."

*I was the one who should say that! Geezz* Minwoo rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Jieun shii, are you free this evening?" Suho asked.

"Is he asking her out?" Minwoo heard the whispers from them.

Without realising, he clenched his fist. He did not why he felt this way. On the other hand, Jiyeon looked to Suho then to Jieun. She felt jealous when he favoured Jieun instead of her. Suddenly Jieun felt an arm over her shoulders and was pulled towards closer to him.

"She can't. We have already made plans today," Minwoo told Suho off.

"Is that true..?" Suho's eyes fixated to Jieun.

"Ah..we do..?" Jieun looked up to him and talked softly.

"Anyways, she's not free," Minwoo said firmly.

"Kere? Maybe next time then," Suho winked at her and walked off when he heard the school bell.

The rest of the members followed him. Everybody went to their classes to avoid detention.

"Woonie ah, what plans do we have?" Jieun questioned him.

"I'll tell you after school," Minwoo said and left hurriedly for class.

Jieun turned to Jiyeon and asked," Jiyeon ah, later do you wanna have lunch together? It's bern so long - ," Before she could finish her sentence, Jiyeon cut hers.

"No. I have plans with my dance girls," Jiyeon rejected her and left.

"What's wrong with her..?" Jieun mumbled while wondered.

After school, Minwoo waited for Jieun outside class. Jieun waved her classmates goodbye and saw Minwoo leaning against the wall once she's out of her class.

"So what plans do we have?" She asked.

"Nothing," Minwoo bluntly told her.

"Mwoh? But I thought you said we have plans...?" She looked at him.

"I lied," Minwoo said while walking forward.

She just stood there and wondered why he did that. Minwoo turned behind and asked," Jieun ah, you coming?"

Jieun stopped dreaming and caught up to him. While walking home, she is still thinking why he did that. Then something popped in her head. Her eyes widened.

"Wait. I know why you did that to Suho," Jieun said.

"What?" Minwoo adjusted his hair while waiting for the waiting for the bus with her.

"Are you afraid that Suho will do something bad to me?" Jieun eyed him and smiled as she thought she had found the correct answer.

*...Aissh..Silly girl.* Minwoo chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked.

"I think you can take care of that. You ARE a blackbelt taekwando," Minwoo chuckled.

"Then why?" She raised her eyebrows.

Minwoo stopped chuckling and wondered himself. *She's right..Why did I did that? Don't tell me that I'm jealous?*

"Woonie ah?" She called his name.

Minwoo shooked his head and looked at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you disappointed that I rejected him on asking you out? Or...are you really wanting to go out with him?" Minwoo sneakily asked.

"W-What? No!" She flushed red and averted his gaze.

Minwoo just chuckled when he saw her embarrassed face. All of the sudden, it began to snow. Both of them looked up and were surprised to see snow.

"'s snowing...," Jieun face lit up.

Minwoo admired the falling snow and turned his head to her. Her face was just few inches away and he curved a smile when he saw her happy face. Jieun turned her head towards him and was shocked to see him upclose. Minwoo gazed at her and his eyes was fixated to her lips. Without him realising, he slowly leaned towards her.

"Woo..nie..? What are you doing?" Jieun looked stunned when she saw him coming closer.

Then, she felt her lips in contact with his. Her eyes widened and her heart was racing all of the sudden.

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