Chapter 7: (Flirting) Negotiating 101

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“I don’t think your mother likes me.”

Nyx looked down at the man whose head rested on her lap. She played with the black curls on top of his head, touching his forehead every now and then.

“It’s true. She doesn’t like you. After you left yesterday, she told me to break up with you.”

James’s jolted up at Nyx’s words, his brows furrowed in worry. “But I didn’t do anything wrong. Why…”

Nyx pulled James back on her lap. “You didn’t do anything wrong, my love. It’s just that my mother has always thought she would find me a suitable man to marry. And you’re not him.”

“I’m not suitable for you?” James pouted.

“Of course, you are. I wouldn’t love you if you weren’t. My mom’s ‘suitable’ means being filthy rich and owning a company or something. My ‘suitable’ is a clumsy detective-wanna-be that names his flowers.”


Nyx looked at the phone screen that was displaying the texts she sent to James and a playful yet somehow sad smile spread on her face. She closed the Messages app and opened the Phone app. She didn’t need her assistant or anyone to find his number. She remembered it by heart even after all these years, but she couldn't tell James that, could she?

Five years ago, she deleted his contact from her phone, and now five years later her finger hovered over the “Create new contact” words on the screen, hesitating. However, in the end, she didn’t save his number. Instead, she called Lucy.

On her way home, Nyx went through her old photos in her phone and the contacts that had gathered dust over the years because she kept them just so the contacts list wouldn’t be too pitiful. She finally remembered this famous Nick that dear Lucy met a few days ago.

This man went to the same college as Lucy and the three of them shared exactly one class for one single year. They hung out together, however, Lucy was closer to him. Nyx even suspected that there was something going on between them even if it didn’t result into anything. It’s just that, back then Nyx and Lucy called the man by his surname, Lars. Of course, Nyx wouldn’t remember who he was when Lucy suddenly called him by his name.

The problem was that when she was still with James, all four of them spent quite a lot of time together. So, Nick obviously knew James. Why did this asshole try to set James up with me?

Lucy answered the phone, sounding sleepy. “Nyx? Why are you...”

“It was James. THE BLIND DATE WAS JAMES!” Nyx tried to keep her voice down because she didn’t want her mother to hear her, but her feelings got the best of her. “Did you do this on purpose?”

After hearing that, Lucy was fully awake. “WHAT? No, of course not. I had no idea.”

Nyx pinched the bridge of her nose trying to calm down. “Did you tell your friend about me?”
“I...” Lucy tried to recall her conversation with Nick. Next to her, Owen sat up on the bed with his eyes still half-closed.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

Lucy moved the phone away from her ear, covering it with her hand before answering him. “The blind date Nyx went on... the guy was James.”

“What?” Now Owen was fully awake too. “Isn’t he married?”

Lucy looked at Owen in a daze, trying to process all this information. She brought the phone back to her ear. “Isn’t James married? He got married three years ago, right?”

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