Chapter 4: Tom and Jerry

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"You're my favorite person in the world."

"You're mine too, love."


The first time Nyx met James was when she was twenty years old. It wasn’t that much of a pleasing meeting even back then. She had just graduated and gotten her first job in the same city where James lived. Back then there was a guy who would harass her every time she left work. Nyx tried to ignore him first, but he wouldn’t take a hint. Things got progressively worse until Nyx snapped and pulled a taser out of her bag.

This didn’t end with that. One thing led to the other, and both of them ended up in the police station. That’s where Nyx met James for the first time. He wasn’t a detective yet back then and was just working at the police station to gain experience. He helped her out with that asshole of a man, and things were left with that.

A few days later, Nyx ran into James again... It turned out that he lived in an apartment near the place where she worked. A coincidence… 

But coincidence after coincidence, meeting him in a lot of random places like book stores, supermarkets, bus stations... so many coincidences, Nyx couldn’t ignore and simply shrug it off. They went out for coffee once, then they got to know each other. It was like two pieces of puzzles perfectly connecting. Nyx had never felt so comfortable with anyone in her life, so loved, so protected... and she loved James too.

They were together for three years. After three years, things went south. It was like the same force that kept pushing them towards each other it was now trying hard to pull them apart. And it achieved it. Both Nyx and James thought they would never let go of each other and that they would overcome every obstacle, but even that option was taken from them.
James lost his memories.

He forgot her.

And even after five years, he still didn’t remember her.

It was like those three years were erased and he didn’t have her in his heart anymore. Nyx was forced into leaving him. Into giving up from him. She moved back into her hometown and started working in her grandfather’s company. Just like James forgot everything about her, she tried to forget him as well. Tried to act as if he never existed, to get over him, but her feelings weren’t something she could run away from. Or even manipulate.

Nyx was someone who had a hard time trusting people, letting them come close to her and see what was hidden behind that grin she always had on her face. She could count those people with the fingers of one hand. James was one of them. And she loved him. Nyx wasn’t sure if she could find such a connection with anyone else again.

All that was left to do was to move on somehow.
But why is it that after five years, he came back into her life again? It was like back then... like that strange force was trying to push them towards each other again.

First the car incident, and now the blind date? From all the possible men out there, why did James turn out to be her blind date?!

This day was getting more and more ridiculous. From early this morning to evening, Nyx simply couldn't rest, not for even a moment. Her heart couldn’t handle this. She couldn't do her things in peace, couldn't eat in peace, and it seemed that troubles were following her around all day long. And now her ex she had worked so hard to forget appeared out of nowhere in the morning and came back to haunt her in the evening.

Did I get cursed today or what? Is this a test on my willpower? On my patience? Because I'm running out of it! This is simply ridiculous! Outrageous!

As if having James set up as her blind date wasn’t enough, the incident from the morning came back to bite her in the ass. If James saw her, knowing him, he would flip!

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