Epilogue: I love you

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As the two words left Nyx’s mouth, a big smile bloomed in James’s face, like a flower opening its petals. His eyes sparkled, and he looked as if he was beaming with happiness. Nyx was completely powerless in front of such an expression of his. Overwhelmed by the sudden urges, the voice in her head that had managed to keep her calm ever since the first time she saw him in five years in the back of Neil’s car became suspiciously quiet as a new voice arose.

For James’s sake she had tried to keep a distance from him as much as she could. It would be too weird if she started hugging and kissing him out of nowhere when he didn’t even remember her. Nyx wanted to give him the time he needed to adjust his feelings and thoughts so not to make him uncomfortable.

It wasn’t much of a big deal to ignore the desire in her heart.

However, it was becoming a big deal now.

All she could hear in her head was that new voice screaming at her to kiss him. To push him against the wall and claim his lips. To take his breath away and not let go of him until he whimpered for air.

Fucking hell!

While Nyx was internally dying from the struggle to maintain her self-control, rushing inside her apartment, James, this clueless fool who didn’t want to be left behind once again by her, followed her inside the apartment as well, sending himself in her arms, like a silly lamb walking to the wolf’s mouth.

The man threw his arms around Nyx, pulling her in a tight hug while closing the door behind him with his foot, sealing the two of them in the privacy of Nyx’s narrow corridor. The embrace made Nyx exhale a shaky breath as her composure started to crumble.

“Will you tell me that you like me then?”

The warm breath tickled Nyx’s neck, and the crumbs she was left with were now set on fire.

“I can’t.” Nyx whispered in the man’s ear. Her lips grazed his ear lobe while she spoke, the cold metal piercing teasing the hot soft skin. “Because it would be a lie.”

The response he got wasn’t what he expected. James frowned, wanting to pull away from the hug to look at Nyx’s face, but before he could even take a step back, the soft lips of the woman and the cold metal of her piercing touched the crook of his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

“You think I have called you ‘love’ all this time, so I could tell you that I ‘like’ you?” Nyx placed a kiss on his scalding skin, wanting to take a bite out of his tender skin.

Her low voice that sounded exactly like the one she used this morning when teasing him made James’s face steam, and the fact that he was recalling the events of the morning didn’t help at all. He was like a teenage boy who was experiencing such feelings for the first time and had no idea how to respond to them. All James knew was that he didn’t want it to end, didn’t want to let go of Nyx. He wanted more.

“Will you get scared if I tell you my feelings? Will you feel pressured?” Nyx softly asked, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.

That voice, like an open window to her heart, allowed James to take just a glance at her thoughts, but this was more than enough to overwhelm him. To drown him in the tender emotions this woman harboured for him. It drowned him, but the flood was a blessing to a parched man.

Weakly, James shook his head. “I won’t.”

Nyx didn’t waste a single second to say out loud the words that had been smouldering in her soul for so long. “I love you.” The relief that washed through her chest reddened the rims of her eyes. Once again, Nyx found herself on the verge of tears, but unlike yesterday, these tears were tears of joy. “I love you. I love you so much, and I missed you every single day. I’m sorry I left, I’m sorry I lied to you, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth. But I was scared. I was so scared that you would push me away, that you wouldn’t want me. That you would hate me. I love you.”

The last three words left her mouth only to land on James’s lips. The man cupped her face and pressed his lips against hers as if wishing to devour her words. The softness of his lips, the distant memory of it that had long been forgotten and gathered dust in a corner of Nyx’s mind and now resurfaced, finally made Nyx snap as she gave in to her selfish desires.

The soft kiss that James initiated was soon turned into a damp, hot and desperate kiss by Nyx that stole the air from his lungs. Her long slender fingers entangled in his short black curls, pushing his head down, pulling him closer to her, almost as if she wished to swallow him whole.

Her heart and body had longed for him for so long, Nyx wished this moment to never end. Her heart had gone out of control as her mouth kissed and bit James, her arms hugged him tight, their bodies pressed against each other and as the soft muffled moans of his reached her ears and echoed in her head.

After a long while, Nyx finally let go of the man, both of them panting. Her forehead rested against his chest, hearing his fast heartbeat with a grin on her lips. “I’m sorry.”

James was kissed until he forgot his name. His brain had completely shut down and was barely managing to restart at the moment. His lips were swollen and his lungs were struggling to fill with air. When he heard Nyx apologizing once again, his lagging brain took a few seconds to process the words. Awkwardly clearing his throat as he remembered the shameful sounds that escaped his mouth, James looked up at the ceiling, lest he met Nyx’s eyes. Yet his hand stroked her soft blue hair. “Don’t... don’t apologize. It will all be okay from now on.”

Mustering some courage, his eyes moved downwards to look at Nyx, but midway there, they met a pair of blue eyes that gave him a jump scare as his face flushed to the point of dripping blood.

Murmur, sitting on its hind legs, waving its white fluffy tail, stared at James right in the eyes, its head titled to the right, looking like it was judging him.

“Fucking hell!” James raised his arm and hid his face in the crook of his elbow in embarrassment.

The sudden exclaim startled Nyx. She looked up at James, then she looked back and saw Murmur staring at the two of them. The burst of laughter echoed through the whole apartment, not helping James’s situation at all, making him feel even more embarrassed.

“Don’t laugh.” He weakly whined.

But this didn’t stop Nyx. She tiptoed and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek, her shoulders still shaking with laughter. “You’re so shy, my love.”

“She was staring right through my soul!” James cried from behind his arm that he refused to put down.

Nyx burst out laughing again.

Finally, getting himself a pretty girlfriend and having tried what kissing her felt like, James couldn’t wait to spend every single moment of his time with her. But it seemed like his wish couldn’t be granted. Starting from the morning of the next day, he got buried to the neck in work, cases after cases being thrown at him, followed by a mountain of reports that needed to be written. James didn’t know whom to hate and blame for his bad luck.

A big amount of his time was spent in the office, and by the time he could finally return to his apartment, it was already too late at night, and James couldn’t bear bothering Nyx and wake her up just because he wanted to see her. After all, she had to go to work the next morning as well.

So, he endured.

But how could Nyx endure staying away from her little rabbit?

The first day after getting back her boyfriend she only saw him in the morning when the two of them got in the elevator to leave for work, managing to steal a small kiss just before the doors opened.

The next day the same thing happened again.

Nyx could barely sleep from the frustration.

So, on the third day, she bailed on Walter to go see James during lunch.

The blue-haired woman leaning against her motorbike waited in front of the police station, waiting for James to come to meet her outside, catching the attention of a lot of people. The lady behind the front desk and Miller even plastered themselves against the glass doors of the police station to peek at James who rushed to the woman and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Miller tsked, shaking his head as he took a few sunflower seeds from the front desk lady. “And then he said they weren’t together.”

The front desk lady puckered her lips in disapproval. “Why would he even deny it? The woman is so pretty.”

“I know right! Tsk tsk tsk. Such an ungrateful lad.”

The woman grabbed the collar of the man’s collar and pulled him closer to herself. Tiptoeing, she met his face midway, stealing kisses in broad daylight.

The front desk lady and Miller both gasped and shrieked with excitement, the sunflower seeds in their hands slipping through their fingers and falling on the floor. “Oh my God, they kissed!!!”

“You saw it too?” Miller squealed. “I thought I was having hallucinations because of dehydration! Oh my God, oh my God, it’s really happening!”

Behind them, Nick glanced outside the glass door in curiosity. “What are you two screaming about?”

His sudden appearance scared the hell out of the duo who was too immersed in their little on-looker world to notice him approaching.

Unaware of the commotion her appearance at the police station caused, Nyx made it a habit to visit James during lunch since the man had been too busy with cases the whole week to spend time with her. However, this displeased old Walter who had to eat lunch by himself. So, to make it up for the lost grandfather-granddaughter quality time during the day, he went to Nyx’s apartment early in the morning on Saturday.

Another person who thought this Saturday was the perfect day to go to Nyx’s apartment was also Owen. Holding his son and two big diaper bags stuffed with Sein’s stuff.

By the time James woke up and went to seek Nyx to finally spend some time together, there were already two men in her apartment.

Walter answered the door for Nyx, who was busy changing Sein’s diapers, his hand not leaving the doorknob, obstructing James from entering the apartment with his arm. His pale blue eyes looked up and down the young man with displeasure in his face. “So now you come to steal her on weekends as well?”

James was dumbfounded and didn’t know how to react. His eyes moved up the door to look at the number above the peephole to make sure he didn’t accidentally knock on the wrong door, but he was in the right place.

Then... who is...

Seeing him confused, Walter chuckled and the frown on his face turned upside down in a smile. His hand stretched out to shake James’s hand. “I’m Walter Letti, Nyx’s grandfather.” The old man introduced himself.

“Oh... I’m...” James struggled to introduce himself, but the man interrupted him.

“I know who you are, boy. It’s good to see you again. Come in, come in.”

Oh... Right... I got back with my ex-girlfriend...

The two of them walked to the living room, Walter ahead while James awkwardly followed after him, feeling like he was meeting the parents, which was weird because he had met Nyx’s mother before, yet such feelings didn’t surface back then.

In the living room, Nyx was sitting on the coach. A few months old baby was lying down on his back in front of her, legs raised in the air, the tiny fist in his mouth as he looked at her with great interest while she cleaned his little butt, pulling her face in disgust. “For the love of God, kiddo. What the hell does your mommy feed you? You have shat the whole Chernobyl in the diaper.”

The little baby looked at Nyx with his big eyes, smiling sweetly at her.

Seeing his girlfriend holding the diaper like it was a ticking bomb, James couldn’t help but chuckle. He never thought that the first thing he would see in the morning was Nyx taking care of a baby and changing diapers.

Scared that if she left to get rid of the loaded diaper, Sein would roll over and fall off the couch but also not wanting to be near that nasty thing any longer, Nyx did the logical thing and threw the diaper at Walter who let out a scream. He didn’t even want to touch the thing, so the moment it fell on his hands, Walter passed it to James right away before furiously rubbing his hands against his clothes.

“Ew, ew, ew, ew!”

James came to steal some kisses, but what he got was a nasty, loaded diaper in his hands that was burning the hair of his nose.

What the fuck! Nyx was right! That kid has shat toxic waste.

“Where...” James pinched his nose as his brows furrowed in disgust. “Where do I throw this?”

Nyx looked up at James and a big smile spread on her face immediately. This whole week her cheeks had been hurting a lot from all the smiling. It was like she was making it up for the five years of faking it.

“There’s a small bin in the bathroom. Throw it there.” She instructed him and looked back down at Sein to put a clean diaper on him.

However just as she ripped the clean diaper open, the little child that was clearly up to no good started peeing.


Hearing the scream, James rushed out of the bathroom only to find Nyx holding a clean diaper on her hands as if it was a bowl, right under the stream of pee the baby was peeing, while cursing under her breath. By her side, sitting in the armchair, the old man was laughing his ass off and filming the whole thing.

Not even trying to hide it, James started laughing as well. “What are you doing?”

Helpless, Nyx felt like crying. “He started peeing out of nowhere. What else was I supposed to do? Come here and help me!”

“Here. Hahahaha.” Walter threw another diaper at James, wheezing after seeing the completely stupefied expression on his face. “Use this bowl. Hahahaha.” He barely managed to say the three words in between breaths before toppling over with laughter again. “Oh dear lord! Hahahahaha! I haven’t laughed this hard since that time you almost burned his head off and almost shat yourself in the process. Oi, my poor old ribs. Oh dear, I can’t. Hahahahaha!”

Still with a diaper in his hand, James looked back and forth between the wheezing old man and Nyx who started yelling at him for disclosing shameful information.

“Shut up! You’re making it sound like I tried to kill him! The pan was on fire. He brought his head close to it himself!”

James: I almost died?

“Bullshit, you ran to him with the pan in your hands!”

“THERE WAS A SPIDER!” The now embarrassed Nyx that was still holding the bowl-diaper in her hands looked at Sein. “Oh, so now you’re done pissing on my couch!”

James: (QAQ) I came here for kisses, but we’re talking about piss and shit.

A.N.: Me writing the kissing scene like: (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
There will be two more extras (probably)

To all of you who read the book while I was still updating, I'm sorry, I edited again.  (/ω\)
There are flashbacks in every chapter. You can go back to read them... Or reread the whole thing 👀.... Or not. Anyway....


Situation no.1
Nyx: Come here little rabbit, let me take a bite.
James: (〃°ω°〃)
James: Coming...

Situation no.2
James: Nyx?
Nyx: Yes, love?
James: (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ kiss?
Nyx: Hold this diaper for me, babe. The baby is leaking.

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