Chapter 19: Not quite a date

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Neil looked at the woman in front of him. Her eyes that usually looked so lively now had turned dull, welled up with tears that didn't dare to fall yet. He felt like a villain when he didn't pity such an appearance at all. In his heart, he even scorned her.

"He doesn't remember you."

Nyx's whole body trembled as if she was shivering from the cold, despite the hot summer day. She could barely even talk; the words choking her. "I don't..."

"Just leave."


Nyx fell right in James's arms. The back of her head hit his chest as his arms wrapped around her waist. It wasn't a hug. It was far from it. But it was also the closest to it she could get, and Nyx didn't know what or who to hate for this.

James helped her stand up, but the proximity between their bodies brought with it the sweet smell of the perfume he had smelled earlier. Even though now he didn't have any reason to be close to her, his hand grabbed her wrist and refused to let go. His grip wasn't tight. It was gentle as if worried that he might hurt her. As long as Nyx wanted to push him away, she could do so with no hindrance.

But she didn't.

They both stood in front of each other, looking at their hands. While Nyx felt her heart go wild, James was too immersed in his thoughts to notice her. His dark eyes were on the pale wrist in his hand as a thoughtful frown curved his lips. His fingers caressed the soft skin of the wrist as it slid down the palm, slowly and carefully holding the hand of the woman in his.

The sweet flowery scent, the familiarity of the hand in his palm, it all made him feel so confused but clear-headed at the same time. It was like he was just one step away from a big discovery, but he was surrounded by thick fog, and he wasn't sure in which direction that last step should be taken.

James looked up from the interlocked hands to see Nyx. The woman was trembling while looking down at her hand which was being held. She didn't notice James's gaze as she remained frozen in her tracks, nervously biting her lip. It was unlike her to be like this.

A little bit of intimacy from James was all it took for Nyx to completely shut down. She couldn't even bare to keep looking at his hand that was holding hers, yet she couldn't bear to withdraw her hand. Her head turned sideways to avoid looking as her face flushed deep red.

"I'm sorry..." James let go of her hand.

What he didn't expect was for Nyx not letting go of him.

No matter how nervous and scared Nyx got when being presented with the possibility of James remembering her, it didn't compare with the warmth this bit of intimacy from him could bring her. She was desperately holding into it as if it was what kept her alive.

It didn't matter if her whole body shook from nervousness, if her heart stopped functioning from the fast heartbeat or even if her mind was screaming for her to flee, to hide... Nyx didn't want to ever let go of this hand. She had been craving this for so long, so long it was painful.

"Eat dinner with me."

For a second, James thought he misheard. Nyx had asked him using such a soft and weak voice, he barely made out the words. For some reason, he felt his face heat up as well, and now both of them were blushing. Two grown-up people, holding hands, were blushing like two teenagers experiencing their first puppy love.

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