Chapter 14: Karma starts work early in the morning

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"Can I steal a hoodie from you?"

"Not borrow?" James raised a brow at Nyx.

Nyx grinned mischievously as she opened his closet and looked through his clothes. "Nope. Steal. I want it to be mine. I will return it to you just for a day every time your smell wears off and take it back again."

James felt his face heat up as he heard his girlfriend. He wanted to tease her, but he was too shy to do it. His eyes fell on his hands as he fidgeted with the hem of his sweater.

It has been only three months since he started dating Nyx, but his heart was so swelled up with love already. Feeling so much love so soon scared him, but Nyx treated him so well, like no one else has ever done in his life.

"Can I steal this one?" Nyx held out what was most likely James's oldest hoodie in that closet. It even had a hole in the sleeve from a cigarette bud from when his father accidentally burned him and blue paint splattered at the front from when he painted his room.

It was so old and dirty and ugly...

"Take another one. This one is old..."

"I like this one though." Nyx hugged the hoodie close to her chest.

James chuckled. "Take it then."


The ugly smile on Nyx's face made James feel embarrassed of his own question. The woman had taken care of him when he was drunk out of his mind and even offered to make him breakfast. But he couldn't get used to this sudden kindness coming from her.

The first three times they met weren't pleasant, and she even stole from him and blackmailed him. James had suffered at her hands so much that he subconsciously wanted to stay away from her in fear of either getting hurt or something bad happening again. The moment he saw blue hair, he would go in defensive mode.

But James Lawson was a soft-hearted man, and he hated being mean the most. So, when he noticed that this time, he really hurt Nyx, he couldn't look at her in the face anymore. His eyes fell on his feet, where Nyx's cat was rubbing against his ankles. Once the cat noticed his gaze, it meowed sweetly.

Such affection overwhelmed James, and now he felt cornered by the gazes of both, Nyx and the cat. His face felt hot, and he awkwardly rubbed the tips of his fingers and bit the inside of his cheek. "I-I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it..." He stuttered not knowing where to look. When no reply came from Nyx, he hesitatingly looked up at her. 

Nyx was still leaned against the wall, with her arms crossed over chest. The only difference from before was that her left brow was raised as if she was finding his sudden change of attitude amusing. When their eyes locked, Nyx titled her head to the right a bit. A few strands of hair fell over her face, grazing her cheek. 

James looked away immediately, his eyes falling down to his feet, BUT THE CAT WAS STILL THERE LOOKING AT HIM!

Mommy, I want to go home. (TvT)

"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you yesterday. And thank you for letting me sleep in your..." His voice faded out when he reached this part, his ears burning. 

"My bed." Nyx finished his sentence as that gremlin-like grin creeped up in her lips. 

"Yeah, that..." James mentally vowed to never drink again. Just look at what mess he got himself into! AND THE CAT IS STILL STARING AT ME!!!!

Nyx noticed the panicked and flustered state James was in and didn't even bother to hide her chuckle. He was simply too adorable. So much that her poor heart couldn't take it. This was also the reason why she couldn't help herself but want to tease him to death. But now wasn't exactly the time to do that. She had to earn his trust first.

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