Chapter 11: Aunt Nyx

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"I like Lucy."

Nyx looked at her brother for a few good seconds and snorted. "Don't say that to me, you dunce. Go say it to her."

"Owen ignored Nyx and continued speaking." Help me with her and I will help you convince mom about James."

Nyx looked up form her laptop and sighed. "I gave up on that long time ago. I don't care about it. Waiting for mom's approval for every single thing I do is no different from allowing her to control my. And I'm done doing that."


"At what age exactly can the baby start eating chicken nuggets?"


"Geez, stop yelling. I'm just asking." Nyx rolled her eyes at her brother. Her hand that had brought a chicken nugget near her nephew's mouth withdrew and put it in her mouth instead. She looked down at little Sein that was silently staring at her with his big blue eyes and shook her head. "What can I do, buddy? Your papa said no." She ate another chicken nugget and burped. "You're missing a lot though." Then she turned at Owen. "That's why he doesn't love you. You're no fun."

Next to her, Lucy chuckled, not minding her friend at all. She was just glad that she could rest for a bit and eat in peace. Sein was surprisingly very unproblematic... when she was holding him. The moment Owen took him in his arms, he would start bawling his eyes out. But when Nyx held him... that little rascal would quiet down in an instant again.

Lucy seriously considered the possibility of her son being a ladies' man at such a young age.

She gave birth a week ago, and during this week Nyx had helped her quite a lot. Every day after work, she would drop by and play with Sein for hours, put him to sleep or just walk around with the baby in her arms, making Owen jealous.

Like she was doing now.

"Sein, look at your papa. See that man? Don't want to? Yea, that's right. Don't look at him, baby, keep looking at your beautiful aunt."

Owen: "..."

"Is your aunt prettier than your papa? Of course, she is! Owen, you see that? He can't keep his eyes off me. He loves me more than you."

Owen: "..."

"My nephew knows what beauty is from such a young age. Aunty is so proud of you, baby."

"Nyx, for the love of God, don't test my patience!"

Nyx planted a big kiss on Sein's head, rocking the baby in her arms. Owen got angrier when his son remained calm even after that loud kiss that covered half of his face, but when he so much as touched him with his pinky, he would raise hell.

That's unfair, okay! I made you, you brat! I contributed in the process and took care of you and your mother for nine fucking months, but no. Go and love your aunt more. You unfilial brat!

Since his son didn't love him, Owen pulled his chair closer to his wife and rested his head on her shoulder, demanding love from her. His arms wrapped around her waist as he whispered in her ear. "At least you love me, right? You love me, do you?"

"She married you because she wanted to be sisters-in-law with me." Nyx, who heard her brother's whispering, wouldn't miss any opportunity to make fun of him.


Laughing, Lucy stroked her husband's cheek to calm him down. "Of course, I love you, babe. Eat some chicken." She stuffed a drumstick in his mouth before asking Nyx "How is your job going?"

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