Chapter 23: The past: Nyx (part two)

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Beep beep beep

There was an annoying noise coming from her side. Nyx waited for it to stop, but it didn’t. Gradually, the noise pulled her out of her sleep.

The sun coming from the window, the bright white light that didn’t seem to radiate any warmth, fell on Nyx’s face. Her brows furrowed in discomfort before the eyelids opened as she turned her head to where the light was coming from.

Out of the window, the blue sky was dispersing clouds, making room for the sun to shine brightly. The curtain flew gently in the air with the wind that came from outside. Nyx could smell an earthen scent coming from outside. The smell of the earth after the rain...

She moved her fingers, feeling numb all over her body. Her chest in particular felt as if it had gotten trampled by a hundred horses. Weakly she brought her hand to her chest, but the fingertips didn’t touch the smooth skin there. It touched bandages and other foreign objects she couldn’t tell what they were. Nyx removed the hand immediately, lest she touched something she shouldn’t.

Frowning from the pain, she turned her head the other way, looking around the hospital room, but she was alone.

No... it shouldn’t be like this.

Where is James?

Nyx wanted to stand up, call out, anything, but she was too weak to do so. There were tubes all around her, some even going inside her nose and mouth.

So uncomfortable...

Nyx let her head sink in the pillow as her eyes looked up at the white ceiling. She could hear noises from outside the room, but the door was closed, and the voices sounded muffled. Still, Nyx could tell who they were.

Elinor and Randy.

Where is James?

Why isn’t he here?

He promised.

Outside the room, Randy was leaned against the wall. His face was pale, and there were dark circles under his eyes. It was uncertain if the haggard look was a result of these two days during which he had barely slept a wink, anxiously waiting for his daughter to wake up or because of the news he had just heard.

He looked at his wife that didn’t seem to be bothered at all, and such a sight only tired him more. The guilt in his heart weighted him down. The conversation was nowhere to being over, but Elinor didn’t have any intention of continuing arguing with him.

It had been two days since Nyx had her surgery. The moment Randy received her call, he took the first plane to go to hospital, but by the time he arrived, Nyx’s surgery was already over. He found both his daughter and wife in the hospital room. Nyx had her eyes shut tight, looking as if she was peacefully sleeping, but the tubes and the machines all around her made her cut a sorry figure. Randy’s heart ached when he saw his daughter in such a state.

Elinor, on the other hand, was sitting in a chair by the bed. Her eyes were on Nyx, looking exhausted. She must have been so worried.

But there was someone missing. His daughter’s boyfriend.

At first, Randy didn’t think anything was amiss. Knowing his wife’s temper, the woman must have kicked the poor man out of the room, but he should have been around. After not seeing him for the whole day, Randy decided to ask Elinor about him, but the woman said she didn’t know anything.

It was then that Randy felt that something might have happened. Yet, not matter how much he tried to get his wife to talk, Elinor kept her lips sealed tight. He had no other choice but to send one of his men to find out where this idiot disappeared while his daughter got her chest opened.

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