Chapter 10: Unlucky

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"Don't you find her a bit scary?" Nick whispered in James's ear.

The latter looked up at Nyx who was walking side by side with her friend, Lucy, to accompany her to the bathroom. The corners of his lips curved upwards as he shook his head.

Nick didn't believe him." Don't lie. Ever her family is scary. Her grandfather makes weapons for a living!"

"I had lunch with Mr. Walter a couple of times. We shot some clay pigeon targets together. He ecen praised my aim."

Nick lookes at James as if he was seeing a fool. "Are you sure he wasn't trying to scare you away with his shotguns?"

James shook his head again, chuckling. "Nah. He even wanted to gift me the shotgun I used."


Left ankle sprained.

Right wrist bruised.

Right elbow bone bruised.

The doctor, Thomas, looked at James with a tired and exasperated look. His eyes fell on the watch on his left wrist and then back at James again. "It hasn't been five minutes yet, and now you have another injury on you."

James was too ashamed to look at the doctor in the eyes.

Thomas turned to look at Nyx, whom he recognized from a few weeks ago. "Your boyfriend is really prone to injuries. Concussion, food poisoning, sprained ankle, bruised wrist and now bruised bone. All in one month. You should take better care of him."

Nyx had her arms crossed over her chest as she listened to the doctor. Her brow was raised up and her eyes travelled back and forth between Thomas and James who refused to look anyone in the eyes. There was a frown in her face as she listened to the doctor listing all James had gone through, one of which was her fault a tiny bit. For some reason she felt like a mother who was getting scolded for not properly taking care of her child.

She hated this feeling.

"She's not my girlfriend." James muttered under his breath, but no one heard him.

Nyx, on the other hand, didn't plan on correcting the doctor. She also didn't pay any attention to the nurse who was looking at her in an odd way. Most of her attention was on James, this walking disaster that apparently hadn't only forgotten her, but had also forgotten how to take care of himself as well.

He used to break things, now he is breaking himself. Nyx wanted to wrap him in bubble wrap and never let him step outside again. But she couldn't even scold him, let alone try to keep him safe.

Thomas gave a warning look at James as if threatening him not to get hurt again before leaving, taking the nurse with him. Once it was only the three of them left, Nyx finally spoke.

"Does this happen often?" She asked Miller who nodded without hesitation.

"I told you he's the clumsiest person I have ever seen in my life, but it usually isn't this bad."

"I'm fine." James interrupted them, his brows furrowed in displeasure. He was trying to look angry and annoyed, but the pout on his face made it impossible.

"No, no you're not, love." Nyx smiled down at him, having the sudden desire to ruffle his hair and kiss that pout off his lips.

"Don't call me that!"

"Don't be so cute then." Nyx shamelessly responded, her shoulders lifting up in a shrug that angered James to death. Little did he know that Nyx wasn't done with teasing him. "Why did you run away like that when you saw me? Scared that I would bite you?"

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