Chapter 6: Blueberry

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"Can I see your handcuffs, Mr. Detective Boy?"

Confused, James handed the handcuffs to Nyx. "Why do you need them?"

Nyx took the cold steel handcuffs in her hands and watched them with great interest. Ignoring James's question, she tried to hide the mischievous smile in her lips, lest she scared the cutie away. "And the keys?"

James gave her the keys right away, no questions asked. Not even considering the fact that this gremlin girlfriend of his was plotting against him.

Securing the keys in her back pocket and sporting an innocent smile on her face, Nyx took James's wrist in her hand and cuffed it. The man looked at her in confusion, looking like a little pure boy who had never seen the world before. Nyx almost felt bad to taint that purity of his. Almost...

She grabbed the other wrist and brought it closer to the bedframe before cuffing it too against it. The mischievous smile finally showed itself, making the man at last understand what was going on as his face heat up, the heat spreading to his ears and neck.

"Oh my, would you look at that?" Nyx faked surprise. "I caught a little naive bunny."


“Follow…” The word came out of James’s mouth barely recognizable. The follow-up words, on the other hand, didn’t even get the chance to be sounded out as their place was stolen by another wave of vomit. James’s vision turned blurry, his head was throbbing and felt like it was getting pierced by a one-foot-long needle. The throwing up process left him completely powerless.

So much for arresting the damned Smurf!

“Follow…” James tried again, but even this time the only word that came out was the pitiful-sounding “follow”. His voice lowered down to nothing, and he felt like passing out.

Way to go, James. Go ahead and be Sleeping Beauty right in front of the hospital.

“What the hell am I supposed to do?!” By his side, Miller cried out. He looked torn between going after the blue-haired girl and staying by his friend’s side who looked like he was about to pass out. In the end, he still stood by James’s side and patted his back as if that would help.

Miller might be a genius in the lab, but not so much in the field. The pats were too strong, and James’s body couldn’t take that strength at the moment. His knees almost gave up, making his heart hiccup in panic because if he fell, he would fall right on whatever that disgusting thing he just got out of his stomach was.

Are those noodles? When did I eat… oh yeah…. Chinese noodles for breakfast, I remember now.

A circle of people formed around the two men, all of them staring and muttering to each other, but none of them even taking into consideration to help the miserable James. People are trash! Can’t even help a man in need. Where the hell are the doctors? This is a fucking hospital!

James’s eyes watered, blurring his vision even more, and it didn’t take too long for him to feel dizzy. He was officially just one step away from turning into Sleeping Beauty. Someone or maybe it was Miller, called a nurse or a doctor. James couldn’t really tell. He couldn’t even say which one of all the faces around him was Miller’s at this point, and that said a lot because that dude was literally yelling gibberish in his ear, shaking his body that had turned into the noodle he just threw up.

Bro, you’re not helping. I think I’m gonna throw up again.

James got sent back inside the hospital only to have the same doctor that visited him earlier look down on him with a scowl on his face. The doctor scolded the brat who didn’t listen to anything he said for a few minutes, but James zoned out after the first two seconds. In the end, the only one who heard the doctor’s scolding was poor Miller.

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