Chapter 9: Scared little rabbit

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“You will wait for me, right?” Nyx held James’s hand, gripping it tight as if scared of letting go. “You will wait for me to wake up, right?”

James touched her face gently and lowered his head. His lips were brought close to hers, barely touching. “Mhmm. I will be right by your side. Don’t be scared.”


Nyx felt her heart drop in her stomach, weighing her down. Her face paled, and it took all the willpower she could muster not to break down in tears. The corner of her lips twitched as she forced herself to look as uninterested as possible.

Her left brow raised as she composed her expression, but her hands were sweaty and trembling. She hadn’t heard of James for weeks. No news related to him. Nothing. It was like those two days never happened, and everything turned back to how it was. The only difference was that now Nyx caught herself thinking of him more often. A lot more than she used to.

Still, Nyx didn’t go out of her way to look him up, or try to find out what he had been up to these five years. And now that she heard of him, she finds out he got himself admitted in the hospital?! Nyx knew that the dork was clumsy as fuck, but this was a bit too much. He got a concussion a few weeks ago, now he was back in hospital again.

Is this a routine thing for him? Since when?!

Is this a side effect of amnesia?

“Oh.” That was the only thing Nyx could say without sounding like she was about to lose her shit. She promised James to get out of his life, but all she wanted to do right now was to rush to him and make sure he was fine. Just seeing that scar under his eye had bothered her to this day. How was she supposed to feel now? “What happened to him?” Nyx tried to sound casual.

Miller walked to the vending machine and inserted a few coins in it and pressed the button for the Nescafe can. His back was turned to Nyx, his attention all on the vending machine. “We were chasing after a suspect and the dude suddenly pulled out a gun out of nowhere…”

Nyx’s heartbeat suddenly became rapid.

“… he shot the gun three times, and James was the one closest to him…”

Fucking hell! He got shot? Is he dead? Dying?

After the rapid heartbeat, Nyx felt a dark, burning abyss forming in her stomach, making her feel uncomfortable. For some reason she didn’t feel that good. The hospital’s hallways started spinning all of a sudden, and her vision darkened. Miller, on the other hand, didn’t notice her abnormality and kept talking. He bowed to pick up his Nescafe can from the vending machine and opened it before turning to face Nyx again, a relaxed smile on his face, AS IF HIS FRIEND WASN’T ON THE VERGE OF DYING!

Now anger was also added to the anxiety and dread she was feeling. Nyx wanted to choke Miller with her bare hands.

How can he look so relaxed?!

“… James was scared shitless by the gun aimed at him, and because he panicked, he took a step back, but tripped and fell on the ground. He sprained his leg and bruised his wrist. This is the third time this thing has happened. That guy is the clumsiest guy I have ever met in my life.”

Nyx: “…”


The abyss in her stomach evaporated into nothing along with the anxiety, but the anger that was left in her was boiling. FUCKING MILLER! Couldn’t you just have told me that he sprained his ankle? Was it necessary to put me through all that rollercoaster of emotions?

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