Chapter 22: The past: Nyx (part one)

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5 years ago

"You should come to the hospital immediately so we can prepare you for the surgery. Don't eat or drink anything." Doctor Zarin instructed Nyx over the phone. "You should be here within four hours."

Nyx looked at the clock hanging on the wall in front of her. She should make it, right? If she leaves right now...

"I will be there." She assured her doctor before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Elinor asked her the moment she put the phone down.

The two of them were sitting in the dining room eating lunch when Sam Zarin called Nyx. The house felt too empty with only the two of them in it. Randy was away on a business trip, Carly was still in school, and as for Owen, the young man was studying abroad. Nyx hadn't seen him for a few months now.

Nyx, on the other hand, had gone to her parents' house for the we, she had gone to her parents' house for the weekend since Elinor kept complaining about her not visiting often enough.

Now that she was here, Nyx regretted it. She shouldn't have come here.

"It was doctor Zarin."

The moment Sam was mentioned, Elinor frowned and her brain that was wired to always think of the worst started to worry when Nyx hadn't even told her anything yet. But the latter didn't pay much attention to her mother as she beamed in excitement.

"They found a suitable heart! I have to be in hospital in four hours." While she was speaking, Nyx rushed up to her room to pick her backpack with her laptop in it, leaving Elinor behind to process what she just heard.

As she rushed down the stairs, Elinor's voice followed her behind. The woman was holding a bag in one hand and her heels on the other. "Wait a second. Calm down! I told you not to change your doctor to that damned city."

Putting on her shoes, Nyx rolled her eyes. "I had to. I live and work there. What did you expect?" She opened the door, ready to leave, but before she could get the chance to take a step out of the house, her arm was pulled from behind by her mother.

"I'm coming too."

"Hurry up then!"

As they walked to her mother's car, Nyx took her phone out of her pocket and called James's number. It was early in the afternoon, so he was most likely working at this time. Usually, Nyx never called him during work hours. At most she would send a text, but this time she couldn't help herself.

Maybe it was because she never called that just after a few rings James answered her call sounding worried.

"Why did you call? Are you okay? Did something happen?"

The worry in his voice warmed up Nyx's heart as a smile spread on her face. She could almost imagine him frowning and furrowing his brows with concern as he talked. "I'm fine, don't worry." Nyx got inside the car and fastened the belt. "James, they found a heart for me."


There was no response from the other side of the call. All that could be heard was the hustle and bustle of James's workplace, but the man himself had fallen in complete silence.


"I'm sorry..." Nyx heard him sniffle.

"Are you crying?!"

Next to her, Elinor pursed her lips in annoyance when she heard her daughter ask that man such a question. Her eyes were on the road while she drove, but her ears were on her daughter's conversation from the second she heard James being mentioned.

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