Chapter 15: How to start dating your neighbour: Step one

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"There's a woman I love..."

"Why are you making that sad face, sweetheart?"

James hid his face behind his hands, the rims of his eyes reddening. His shoulders shook in a silent cry. "She's sick, mom. I'm scared. I don't want to lose her."


An hour later James was still inside the closet, feeling like a piece of meat boiling in a pot. At first, he didn't feel that uncomfortable. Except the fact that it was a bit stuffy inside the closet and he accidentally touched a bra that was hanging right in front of his face, he was doing just fine.

Ten minutes later, the inside of the closet was getting hotter, and his brow was sweating. Still, it wasn’t much of a big deal. It was bearable.

Half an hour later, James was sweating like a pig. The clothes he was wearing clung to his body, making him feel sticky and uncomfortably dirty. He even started to worry about his sweat smelling so much that Nyx’s clothes caught the bad smell.
He was getting anxious, dizzy and terribly thirsty.

Last time he got drunk, he got “abducted” by Nyx.

This time he got drunk, he got “abducted” by Nyx again!

Is this a sign that he shouldn’t drink a sip of alcohol ever in his life? Because James was really considering it. He felt like he had unlocked a new kind of being miserable inside that closet. Never in his life had he gone through such wild situations than after meeting Nyx.

Is this woman followed by chaos or what?

An hour later, James was at his limit. It was right then that Nyx walked in her bedroom and opened the doors of her closet. She apologetically gazed down at James who looked as though he had been hit by a heavenly blessed breeze when the steaming hot air inside the closet was finally let out, and he could breathe in the cool air of the room.

Nyx squatted in front of the closet and wiped away a drop of sweat that was trailing down his temple. “I’m so sorry, love. I will make it up to you, okay?” She handed him a big glass bottle of water and watched James down the whole thing like a man who had walked through a whole fucking desert. Her heart ached, seeing him like this. “I will send them away now. Wait just a few more minutes, okay?”

James was too muddle-headed to understand all she was saying, but he understood the part that meant he could get out of here in a few minutes and nodded.

“Good boy.” Nyx smiled at him and took the now empty glass bottle. “I won't close the door completely, but you can’t get out unless I say so. It won’t take long.” She stood up and closed the doors of the closet, leaving them just a small crack open.

Her mother had toured the whole apartment twice and even opened the door to her bedroom, poking her head in to check the place and make her own comments on either what Nyx had done with the place or the mess in “every” room. Nyx was thankful to the fact that at least Elinor wouldn’t go as far as to go through her drawers and closet.

She was also thankful to the fact that her parents were very busy people and didn’t have much time on their hands to hang around her apartment. When she walked back in the living room, Elinor and Randy were already getting ready to leave.

Five minutes later, Nyx walked her parents out of her apartment and then rushed to her bedroom.
“You can come out now.”

James didn't wait to be told twice and got out of that closet like a monkey from a box. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it that far because his legs had gone numb and had temporarily forgotten how to function. He lied down on the floor, staring at the white celling with an expression that said “I’m so done with life”.

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