Chapter 1: Wrong car

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There's nothing better than getting in trouble first thing in the morning to start the day.

At least that's what Nyx sarcastically thought as she got out of the car and looked at the tall building in front of her, snickering like a gremlin.

Inside the car, Lucy looked at her and vaguely felt some fear bubbling in her heart. Nyx had called her early in the morning, asking her to drive her to the company she works in. At first glance, such a request is simple and innocent, but nothing is like that when it comes to Nyx.

Lucy might not know much about Nyx's job, but she knows one thing for sure.

She wasn't allowed to go anywhere near it. Her grandfather had kicked her out two months ago.

So, the question was... Just what the fuck was Nyx Letti trying to do?

"Nyx, why don't we just leave? You know you're not allowed to come here. Your grandfather will be pissed." Lucy tried to persuade her, but it was in vain. "Wouldn't it be easier if you just went on the blind date, found yourself a boyfriend, and legally return to the company? Isn't it just dating?"

"I told you I found you a cute guy," Lucy whined at Nyx.

"Your 'cute' isn't the same as my 'cute'. You think just because a guy can flirt, he's cute. That's why you married my brother last year." Nyx rolled her eyes.

"But you promised!"

"I had no other choice! Mom wouldn't shut up about it. She has been nagging me for a month now."

The truth was actually that Elinor had been nagging her daughter to get a boyfriend for years, but since Nyx lived in her own apartment until two months ago and only called home three or four times a week, she could only use that call to nag her. Now that Nyx moved back into her house, she could nag her every time she saw her.

Lucy still didn't want to give up. "Of course, she will nag you! You're twenty-eight years old, still single, moved back in with your parents again, and your last boyfriend..."

"No need to remind me of how pathetic my love life is." The grin on Nyx's face didn't fade away, but it didn't reach her eyes anymore. Suddenly, she felt wronged. Memories of five years ago flashed through her mind, and her mood was successfully ruined. Even though it was all in the past now, it still hurt.

"It won't be that pathetic if you go on this blind date." Lucy insisted. "You remember Nick from college?"

The look Nyx gave her made it crystal clear that Nyx remembered shit about the guy. "You think I remember anyone's name from college? You know I'm terrible with names."

Lucy rolled her eyes, not minding Nyx's attitude at all. Her hand rubbed the huge belly as she talked, a habit that she developed ever since the baby in her started to grow. "Well, the dude whose name you don't remember and I met a few days ago and we went out for coffee to catch up."

"The doctor said you can't drink coffee. Are you trying to harm my nephew?" Nyx narrowed her eyes at Lucy, interrupting her midspeech.

"I drank tea! The point is, he told me he had a friend who wanted to start dating again after a bad breakup. He assured me that he was handsome, smart, and cute. So, I told him that I also had a friend that wanted to start dating..."

"I never said I wanted to go on a date." Nyx interrupted her again.

This time it was Lucy's turn to narrow her eyes at Nyx, clearly annoyed by being interrupted again and again. "It has been five years. Are you planning on dying alone? Yesterday your mother told me that she had made a list of the men she had found for you to go on blind dates with and you know I can find you a better man than your mother who thinks that high social status and money are the top two qualities a man should have. I'm literally doing you a favor with this."

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