Chapter 2: 1st showdown with Candy Apples

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The next week, it was the second week of the season and Abby talked to the girls and moms about the previous competition.

"Let's begin by talking a little bit about Dance Troupe in Greensboro. That was not the group that won at Nationals in Lake Tahoe and it's obvious that cute still works there." Abby told the girls before she looked over at Kendall. "Kendall, you did your solo scared to death and that was not an Abby Lee Miller face, that is for sure."

"Abby, that was her first time--" Jill stated before Sebastian cut her off.

"Jill, when my mom wants your opinion, she'll ask for it." Sebastian firmly said to Jill before turning to Abby. "Mom, resume."

"Thanks." Abby stated. "This weekend, we'll be traveling to Columbus, Ohio and one can guess who lives in Ohio."

"Candy Apples!" Chloe commented, talking about a dance studio named Candy Apples Dance Center that was located in Canton, Ohio and the studio was run by Cathy as Chloe was doing a funny dance and waving her hands as Abby and Sebastian attempted not to laugh.

"We're heading there and they'll be at the competition." Sebastian told them and jokingly, Christi stuck her tongue out. "Remember this, moms, you're all on the same team, so no squabbling between you moms, even if it is very slight squabbling and we'll take a big time big out of that apple."

Laughter was heard before Abby cleared her throat, then pyramid was done and next were dancing assignments.

"Everybody will be in the group dance called Bad Apples, which is a mixture of a little '40's, novelty and some Katy Perry in it. So the look that is needes is the pin-up girl look with the rat and the snood."

"Here's what the rat and the snood is if you want to know, the snood is a traditionally female headgear that is made to hold the hair in a yarn bag or cloth and the rat hair is a pin up like hairstyle." Sebastian explained.

"You heard him, that is what the rat and the snood is!" Abby told the girls and moms. "The second you head onstage for the competition, you better be on fire. Brooke, you'll do a solo as Cathy entered a girl your age, make apple sauce out of her, so be sure to freak that kid out backstage, i want that kid in tears before she hits that stage."

Brooke nodded.

"All right, girls, warm up and moms, you can head out." Abby instructed as the moms were talking to Jill about her first pyramid.

"Jill, what did you think of your first pyramid?" Christi asked.

"To tell you the truth, i did now know what to expect. I never thought that Kendall would be on the lower level." Jill replied.

"Well, you're new here." Melissa informed.

"It is going to take time." Kelly stated.

"But that was a lot of pressure on My Little Kendall."

"We've dealt with Abby for a long time. So you'll have to get used to it." Holly commented as Sebastian came upstairs and explained to Jill on who Cathy is and showed her a photo before he headed back downstairs.

"Did you show Jill a picture on how Cathy looks?" Abby asked.

"Yes and i also explained to her on who she is." Sebastian responded.

"Good to know." Abby stated as the door that led to and from the foyer opened and walking in was Jill. "Halt!"

"Abby, can i talk to you for at least 2 minutes?" Jill asked.

"Jill, didn't my mom tell you not to come in with those shoes on? You should stay upstairs with the other moms unless we call you down." Sebastian informed, then he signaled for the girls to count it out.

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