Chapter 8: Sebastian Down

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A week later, it was January 27th and tomorrow, the Abby Lee Dance Company would be competing in Chicago to attend Company Dance competition and for the competition, Maddie had a solo named Reflections, There was a trio named Whatever I Want and in it was Maddie, Chloe and Nia and for the group, named Trapped, all of the girls even Mackenzie was in it. Also, they found out Cathy was going to be there as well.

The time was 9:30 pm and Abby and Sebastian were seen exiting the studio and headed to Abby's vehicle so they could head home to get some sleep so they head downtown Chicago and then from out of nowhere, Sebastian groaned in pain as he felt pain around his belly button, which alarmed Abby.

"Seb, are you ok?!" Abby asked worriedly.

"No...I felt pain from out of nowhere around my belly button." Sebastian groaned, then the pain moved to the lower right area of his abdomen, which almost caused him to fall and then he felt nauseous with an expression of pain. "I think i'm gonna throw up..."

Sebastian threw up and groaned before Abby felt his forehead and it was burning up as tears ran down his cheeks because of the pain.

"Calm down for me, ok?" Abby soothed, giving her son a hug.

"O-ok." Sebastian sobbed from the pain.

"I may not be a doctor or anything, but i believe you've got appendicitis." Abby predicted. "I did some research on this as one of my dancers before i adopted you had it and the common signs are high fever, nausea, bloating and stomach pain. I'll take you to the hospital."

Sebastian nodded as Abby gently carried her son to the Chevrolet Suburban and carefully put him in the front seat and then she got in the front seat and pulled out of the studio and before she pulled out, she called Maryen and told her that Sebastian was sick and Maryen felt really bad for her grandson and told Abby to update her.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, but there was some yelps and groans of pain from Sebastian, then they arrived at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital, a hospital that was in Chicago and not far from Lake Point Tower, once they were in the parking garage, Abby got out of the SUV and went to get her son from the front seat and the pain was worse in the past few minutes and she helped him with walking.

"It hurts so bad." Sebastian cried.

"I know, sweetheart." Abby whispered, her voice breaking. "I know it's hurting you bad, but it'll be over and before you know it, you'll be better."

Abby felt tears of her own fall down her face, it was heartbreaking for her to see her son, who's normally happy in a state of pain. Abby wiped her tears and wiped Sebastian's tears as she walked him to the receptionist's desk.

"Hey, Abby." The receptionist greeted warmly, she knew Abby from the time she adopted Sebastian, she had been at Northwestern Memorial Hospital for a year before Abby adopted Sebastian. "What brings you in?

"I'm here because my son Sebastian's in a lot of pain, i believe he's got appendicitis." Abby responded.

"All right, i'll bring one down."

A minute later, a female doctor with red hair and gray eyes named Ashleigh Martinez and she had been the Millers' family doctor since Abby adopted Sebastian at birth.

"Hey there, Abby." Dr. Martinez greeted. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Me and my son Sebastian were leaving the studio and before we got in the car, he felt pain around his belly button, then it moved to the lower right area of his abdomen and then he threw up and when i felt his foreheat, he was burning up." Abby explained.

"It appears that your son has appendicitis." Dr. Martinez told Abby. "We'll take him to the 4th floor for testing and you can wait in the waiting room."

"All right." Abby said, Dr. Martinez got a gurney and Abby carefully placed Sebastian on it and they went up to the 15th floor and the dance teacher sat in the waiting room as Sebastian was wheeled into the Emergency Room for testing and 5 minutes later, Dr. Martinez came out to the waiting room.

"We finished the tests and it is confirmed that your son Sebastian indeed has appendicitis and since you brought him here when he first felt the early signs, we will be able to get his appendix out before it can rupture. Also, he said he wanted his appendectomy done laparoscopically. The surgery will take at least an hour." Dr. Martinez told Abby.

Abby felt relief knowing her son will be all right and caught the appendicitis early.

"All right." Abby stated.

In the operation room, the surgeons that were surrounding the operating table as Sebastian was lying on the operating table as his appendectomy was about to start.

"Ok, we're about to begin your appendectomy and get the inflamed appendix out and it'll be over before you know it." A surgeon, who was a female told him and Sebastian nodded before the surgeon placed a mask over his mouth and nose and he took some deep breaths.

"Can you count backwards from 10 for us?" Another surgeon, who was a male asked Sebastian.

Sebastian started counting backwards from 10, then when he got to 2, he was knocked out and with that, the appendectomy started.

An hour later, Abby was still in the waiting room as the time was 11:03 pm and she was reading a magazine and then Dr. Martinez came out with a smile on her face.

"Ms. Miller, i am happy to let you know that your son Sebastian's appendectomy was a complete success, there were no complications and we got it out before it could even burst. He's been moved to a recovery room." Dr. Martinez informed.

Abby smiled, she was happy that her son's appendectomy was a success.

"Question, how long will he stay in the hospital since i'm taking my dance team to Chicago for a competition tomorrow?" Abby asked.

"Well, he'll be out tomorrow evening or Sunday. Also, Sebastian'll have to put his usual activities on hold for 3 weeks and that means he should get plenty of sleep. Also, he'll have to eat fruits, vegetables, tofu, seafood, low fat dairy poultry, beans and whole grains."

Abby nodded, but felt a little dejected because that meant that her son would have to miss the upcoming competition tomorrow and the last two of the first half of the season. But he would definitely be ready for the second half of the season.

"He eats all of that anyway."

"Great to know." Dr. Martinez. "Would you like to go see your son?"

"Yes, please." Abby responded as Dr. Martinez walked her to the hospital room that Sebastian was in, they arrived at the door and went into the room, which gave a view of the eastern direction. Sebastian was asleep and was hooked up to several machines. Abby sat down next to the bed and held her son's hand and Sebastian's eyes fluttered opened and he smiled at his mother weakly.

"Hey, mom." Sebastian whispered.

"Hi, sweetie." Abby responded, kissing him on his nose. "How are you feeling."

"Slightly sore, but i'm better."

"That's good to know and because of your appendectomy, you'll have to sadly miss this competition and the last two competitions of the first half of the season." Abby informed.

"Rats, but i'll be there in heart cheering the girls on." Sebastian said.

"We know you will. How about you get some sleep, i'll see you tomorrow night when we get back from the competition and i'll let your grandmother know how you're doing and i'll also tell the girls you said hello." Abby told him.

Sebastian nodded and with that he fell asleep as Abby exited the door, found Dr. Martinez and thanked her, Dr. Martinez also informed Abby that Sebastian would be released tomorrow night and the dance teacher drove home and when she got home, she let Maryen know that Sebastian's surgery was a success and that relieved Maryen that her grandson was all right.

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