Chapter 16: The 2012 Showcase

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On that upcoming Monday, Pyramid was done, and the moms and girls wondered what was going to be happening and Jill was griping over Kendall not being on the pyramid.

"Jill, here's the thing, Kendall's on the pyramid because she is replacing Paige and the second we find out Paige is cleared to dance, Kendall is out." Abby told Jill.

"You could have told me 3 weeks ago." Jill whined as Kendall was crying because of her mother embarrassing her as the girls hugged her and Sebastian was rolling his eyes over Jill making a fool of herself. "Kendall wins every routine you put her in, but you still won't put her on the team because she's a winner! Kendall, i am sorry for putting you through this."

"Seriously? Putting Kendall through what?!" Sebastian was as annoyed as Abby was with Jill. 'Kendall got to come to the competition this past weekend, won a duet, she learned something and was fabulous, we get that. One more thing, Jill, in my mom's studio, the team part is about commitment, and we know you're already ready to jump ship, so do everybody in the studio a simple favor, shut your fat trap and call it a day!"

Jill was glaring at Sebastian for the comment he just made as Abby and the moms tried not to laugh.

"Mom, continue."

"Thank you , Seb. All right, we do not want altercations, tears, yelling and screaming because it's a big time week as we'll be doing the 2012 Abby Lee Dance Company showcase. It isn't a competition, but it's as important. We will be doing a hip hop routine known as Light My Fire." Abby informed before looking at Paige. "Paige, we know it's been weeks and we believe you are capable of being in the dance, but you have to be approved and it'll be with the boot on."

Paige nodded.

"But she has to be approved by the doctor first." Kelly said.

"Right and she'll have her boot on." Abby stated, before turning to Sebastian. "Sebastian, you can help me and the faculty out with the planning and the choreography, are you up for it?"

"Ready, willing and able." Sebastian responded.

"All right." Abby commented before looking at Kelly again. "Kelly, since you are an original member of the Abby Lee Dance Company, i would like to see some of your classmates at the show."

"Oh, goodness, i haven't seen them in like five to six years." Kelly told Abby.

"I want them to see that the Abby Lee Dance Company is alive, kicking, healthy, strong and continuing to educate children and they have met Sebastian several times." Abby said. "Also, there is something else that we are planning and there's gonna be one person chosen from each age level to receive a generous cash scholarship to further your education."

The girls and moms clapped.

"All right, moms, you can head out and girls, spread out. We're gonna begin the group right away." Abby instructed as the moms went upstairs to the observation room and the girls warmed up and the rehearsal came next a few minutes later.

"My daughters don't like hip hop." Kelly sighed. "But i'll admit, it's kind of funny seeing Paigey do hop hop, she looks like a wet noodle."

"Do you have any idea on who you'll ask to come to the showcase?" Christi wondered.

"No clue, i'm gonna have to get in contact with my alumni."

"You'll find them eventually." Melissa said.

"To tell you the truth, i do not look forward to showcase time." Holly told the moms.

"I actually love it." Christi remarked.

"I do too." Melissa agreed.

"I think it's not fair to My Little Kendall, she was a part of the duet and group that won. That has nothing to do with her dancing and talent." Jill griped.

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