Chapter 6: Jill the Studio Hoppin' mom

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It was January 9th and at the studio, the girls and moms were in Studio A as Abby and Sebastian stood in their spots next to the pyramid and at the last competition they went to this past weekend, which was Hollywood Vibe, the girls didn't place, Chloe got 2nd, Maddie got 1st and the trio of Maddie/Chloe/Paige got 2nd, ending the undefeated streak of that trio. Also, on New Year's Eve, Abby took Sebastian to Navy Pier to ring in the new year as they watched the fireworks.

"You all did a decent job at Hollywood Vibe, but we know you could have done better." Abby simply commented. "This weekend, we'll be going to Fire and Ice right here in Chicago, which means we've got a reputation to uphold and it's a lot more difficult to walk in and compete against dancers that you know instead of a bunch of strangers. Sebastian, would you like to reveal the first photo on the pyramid?"

"Sure, we really didn't want to do this but we had no choice..." Sebastian revealed the first photo on the lower level of the pyramid, which turned out to be Kendall's headshot. "...Kendall, because of the rotten attitude of your mother, you're back on probation."

Jill was irked as Christi, Melissa, Holly and Kelly were not surprised.

"That is ridiculous!" Jill griped. "What more do you want from her?!"

"Kendall's head is distended, her ribcage was open and her shoulders are hunched." Abby pointed out, who was starting to cry because her mother was embarrassing her.

"Are you kidding me?!" Jill continued to complain. "You're kidding me, right?!"

"No, she does not make the corrections, we have told her right from the start about the posture and we have not seen any improvement whatsoever." Sebastianreplied as he turned to Abby. "Somehow, i knew Jill was going to do this."

"Yeah." Abby agreed.

"You two should be on probation, not Kendall!" Jill yelled as the other moms watched her make a fool of herself as Abby and Sebastian were not happy as Jill was getting on their last nerves while the girls comforted Kendall. "I don't know why i came here, you two have not had anything nice to say the minute we got here! You know, she does a lot right!"

"She turns like a top and that's good, we don't need to tune that." Abby commented.

"There are plenty of studios who would love what she does and you know what?!" Jill shouted as she walked over to Kendall and took her by the hand and walked her to the door. "We're heading to one of those studios, i'm not putting up with this any more, we are done! That is it!"

"Jill obviously forgot to take her PMS meds." Chloe chimed in and that made everybody, even Abby laugh.

"Good one, Chloe!" Abby complimented.

In the hallway of the Studio, Jill was walking Kendall to the Dancer's Den.

"You know what, she doesn't appreciate you and neither does that long haired fool she calls a son." Jill told her daughter. "I'll take you somewhere where somebody actually appreciates you. We'll go where they'll treat you with respect, give you fantastic dances and they might even let you do a solo or two."

The pyramid resumed and Nia was on the top, to the delight of Holly and she had a solo and the group dance would have everybody.

On an expressway, Jill was driving as Kendall was sitting in the back behind her.

"Kendall, i'm not putting up with Abby and that long haired birdbrain she calls a son, even though he is kinda cute. I can't have you at a studio that tears you down and doesn't appreciate you or the talent you have. Abby putting you on probation was downright ridiculous and if anything, i should have been on probation, not you. We're done with Abby and i am taking you someplace where you and your talent will be appreciated." Jill told her daughter, before she pulled out her phone and made a phone call.

That weekend, at the DoubleTree Hotel on Ohio and Fairbanks, located in Chicago and the location of Fire and Ice competition, the Abby Lee Dance Company was in their dressing room.

"Girls, we have told you this before on how important this is, we know what is on the line and it is Fire and Ice and everyone of these people are friends of mine, i've known them for years and even though they are friends of mine, they're still competitive!" Abby addressed and Nia was ready. "All right, let's do it!"

Abby and Sebastian were the first two to exit the dressing room and Gianna, the girls and moms exited behind them, then Abby and Sebastian saw something that made them stop in their tracks when they saw the Candy Apples approach and who they saw with them. The moms and girls looked stunned as well.

"Mom, am i seeing things or is Kendall and Jill with Candy Apples?" Sebastian asked Abby, noticing that Kendall and Jill were with Cathy's crew, which didn't sit well with him and his mother.

"You're correct, that is Jill and Kendall." Abby told him. "What was her mother thinking taking her to them out of all studios?!"

"If i had to guess, Jill must have lost whatever brain cells and took Kendall to those idiots."

"It's Flabby and her long haired midget she calls a son!" Cathy taunted as laughter was heard from the Candy Apples and their moms.

"Jill has officially cracked." Christi muttered.

"Yeah." Kelly agreed and Holly realized something, Kendall was Nia's opponent and that felt like a punch to the gut for her.

"Hi, Melissa. It's good to see you." Cathy told Melissa, giving her a hug.

"Hello." Melissa simply responded.

"All righty, we've got a solo to compete." Cathy said as she, the Candy Apples and their moms walked past them and for the competition, Nia didn't place and Kendall got 1st, much to Holly's dismay and the delight of Jill and Cathy, the ALDC's group dance got 1st.

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