Chapter 13: Return of Jill & Kendall, down goes Paige

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3 days later, the Abby Lee Dance Company was about to begin a new week in the studio and Abby was talking about the last competition and Sebastian even added his two cents.

"All right, let's talk about this week, we will be--"

The door leading from the front desk then opened and everybody looked to see who was coming into Studio A and the moms had looks of surprise as it was none other than Jill, who now had blonde hair.

"Hello, everybody." Jill greeted.

"Mom, did i hit my head on something, or is that Jill trying to look like Melissa and Christi?" Sebastian asked Abby, who snickered slightly.

"That's definitely Jill." Abby answered her son.

"Abby, can i speak to you?" Jill asked as Sebastian, the girls and the moms were looking on. "I made a giant mistake going to Candy Apples, it was a mistake on my part and i'd really like for you to find a spot for My Little Kendall on the team like before."

Abby and Sebastian looked at Jill like she had gone nuts.

"Just how moronic can Jill be?" Sebastian grumbled.

"Good question." Abby said. "Jill, we're in the middle of rehearsal, you know how this works, we have a competition this weekend."

"Me and My Little Kendall want to be there with you. I believe Kendall can fit in with this group, she did it before and she can do it again."

"Are you nuts?! I wanted what was best for Kendall, but you didn't give me time to even do that!" Abby yelled.

"Are you gonna turn my kid away due to a mistake i made?" Jill questioned "Knowing that she's got talent and belongs in this group!"

"Jill, we are in the middle of rehearsal!" Sebastian yelled, before turning to Abby. "Can you believe this?!"

"I know, right?" Abby fumed in agreement as Jill headed to the front desk and came back seconds later with Kendall and her headshot. Jill walked Kendall to the girls and they hugged her as Jill stood next to Melissa. "Girls, this is my business, it's not about friends! If you want to see Kendall, then invite her to your house!"

"Can you find it in your heart to--"

"Jill, mom'll be glad to talk to you at a later date." Sebastian stated.

"All right, where were we? We'll be traveling to Starpower in Grayslake, which isn't far from here, but however it is still a big competition. There are a lot of people that'll be there. Maddie, Nia and Paige will be doing solos and for the group, Maddie, Chloe and Brooke will be in it and also the 4th dancer will be a boy and no it isn't Sebastian although i originally considered him."

The girls and moms cheered, Abby went to the door and coming in Studio A was 14 year old boy named Nick Dobbs and he dances for Abby's teen team, the girls and moms hugged him and Sebastian shook his hand and during the rehearsals, the moms talked to Jill.

"I kinda like the hair, Jill." Holly said.

"Yeah, it somewhat looks cute on you." Christi stated.

"At first, we thought you were a clone of Cathy." Kelly teased.

"Yeah." Melissa remarked.

"Abby didn't put My Little Kendall's photo on the pyramid and i think she should've." Jill griped.

"Did you really think coming back through the door after going to Cathy and insisting Abby put Kendall's photo on the pyramid would work? It didn't!"

"Well at least Kendall's dancing, so that might be a good sign." Melissa pointed out and while Paige was rehearsing her solo, Jill came down to Studio A.

"Not again." Sebastian sighed, knowing that Jill was going to interrupt again.

"You can say that again." Abby muttered.

"Jill, halt! My mom has to finish Paige's solo rehearsal." Sebastian said.

"This has nothing to do with you, you long haired dummy." Jill snapped.

"Watch it!" Abby warned, making Jill nearly fall on her behind. "Do not insult my son! Like he said, i've got to finish Paige's solo rehearsal."

Paige's solo rehearsal was done and Abby and Sebastian approached Jill to see what she wanted.

"Jill, we do not know how Cathy does it, but in the Abby Lee Dance Company, we work until the dance is perfect!" Abby firmly said to Jill.

"That's what i want for My Little Kendall, i want to know, are you gonna let Kendall come back to the group?" Jill wondered.

"Jill, here's the thing, you didn't sign anything yet, you didn't let anybody know you were here and coming in the room and shoving your daughter down our throats, to mom and myself was inappropriate." Sebastian commented.

"Ok, you got a good point there, but i didn't have ae choice and i thought you might understand that."

"We don't want to invest our energy in your kid and have that energy leave in 6 months because mom isn't happy." Abby said as Jill and Kendall exited. "Kendall's a wonderful dancer and all, but i blame her mother for taking her to Cathy."

"Yeah." Sebastian agreed.


"Abby, sorry for the interruption, but somebody's on the phone for you. It may be important." Gianna informed Abby as she gave her the phone.


"Hello, this is Carol, the casting director for Drop Dead Diva and i want to let you know after seeing the auditions, we've decided on the 2 dancers from your studio and they are Maddie Ziegler and Chloe Lukasiak. They had amazing reading and were great together, that's why we decided to go with them." Carol stated as Maddie and Chloe smiled, then Abby hugged them both and Sebastian high fived them as the girls did the same thing before resuming rehearsals, then the next day, Abby displayed Maddie and Chloe's crowns.

That weekend, the Abby Lee Dance Company were in Grayslake at the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts, the location of Starpower and as the girls and Nick were preparing for the group, Sebastian saw that Kendall had a white bow in her hair.

"Mom, i don't know if you noticed or anything, but Kendall's got a white bow in her hair." Sebastian pointed out as Abby looked over at Kendall and she indeed had a white bow in her hair.

"Great looking out." Abby told her son before turning to Kendall. "Kendall, who gave you the bow?"

"My mom, she put it in my hair." Kendall responded.

"Kendall, kids should not take things that don't belong to them."

"Kendall did not take the bow!" Jill defended her daughter. "Melissa had bows and i picked up one of them and put it in Kendall's hair!"

"Melissa doesn't own the studio, i do!" Abby firmly stated.

"I saw you do it, Jill." Sebastian told Jill. "Everybody has had their hair done and didn't have a bow in their hair, you've wasted time and we don't have time."

"Brooke, Paige, we want to see you do your standing back tucks." Abby ordered, Brooke did her standing back tuck and perfectly landed, but however for Paige, when she landed, a cracking sound was heard which made everybody cringe as Paige limped to the chair next to Kelly as Jill secretly was grinning, hoping that it'd be a great chance for Kendall.

"Paige, can your curl your toes?" Abby asked.

"I came down digging it." Paige responded in pain, Abby informed Kelly that Paige wasn't going to be in the group and Kelly told everybody she was taking Paige to the hospital. For the results of the competition, The group got 1st, Maddie got 1st, Paige got 6th and Nia got 9th and Sebastian texted Kelly the results.

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