Chapter 9: Recovering

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The next morning, it was 10:00 am as Gianna, the moms and girls were at the Marriott waiting for Abby and a few minutes later, Abby showed up and everybody noticed that Sebastian wasn't with her.

"Hey, Miss Abby. Where's Sebastian?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, he's usually with you." Nia said.

"Girls, moms, Last night as Sebastian and myself were leaving the studio, he unexpectedly felt pain around his belly button, then the pain moved to the lower right area of his abdomen, he felt nauseous, had a fever and threw up. I suspected appendicitis and took him to the hospital and indeed, he had appendicitis and immediately, the appendix was removed, and the appendectomy took an hour and because of his appendectomy, he will be unable to join us for these last three competitions. But he's doing better as i visited him a few minutes ago." Abby explained.

Gianna, the girls and moms all sighed, they felt really bad for Sebastian, but they were happy that he was doing better.

"Let's win for Seb." Paige stated as the girls and moms agreed.

"Question, Abby, who's gonna watch Sebastian while we're in downtown Chicago?" Melissa asked.

"Rachael's gonna watch him and when we get back, i'm gonna pick him up from the hospital as the doctors told me that he'll be released later on tonight and if you'd like, you can visit him tomorrow at my house." Abby answered.

"Sounds like a good idea." Christi commented, then they got on the bus, which took them to.

Later that evening, it was 7:00 pm and in Sebastian hospital room, Sebastian was watching ESPN on TV and Rachael was at Sebastian's bedside as she watched him through the day, and he was sounding better as time passed that day.

"Do you think the competition is over?" Rachael asked Sebastian.

"I don't know, i'll call mom and see." Sebastian said.

"All right."

Before Sebastian could reach his phone, it began to ring, he saw that Abby was calling and answered.

"Hey, mom. How did it go?"

"Hey, Seb, i can tell you're sounding better. Here's what happened, Maddie got 1st and Justice didn't place, the trio that had Chloe, Maddie and Nia didn't place and had Paige been in the trio, that would have been a winner winner chicken dinner, the group got 3rd, but thankfully the Candy Apples didn't place and also one of Cathy's dancers, Taylor injured her ankle and was taken to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital, which is this hospital." Abby explained.

"At least we're still undefeated against Cathy and even though Candy Apples are our rivals, hopefully Taylor will make a speedy recovery."

"Correct and hopefully she recovers as well. also, the girls, moms and i are about to leave to catch the bus back home and we'll arrive home in 24 minutes or so and as soon as we get there, i'm gonna come and pick you up from the hospital, but first, i'll head home and get some clothes for you."

"All right, can't wait to see you."


Abby and Sebastian hung up.

"They'll be arriving in 24 minutes or so." Sebastian told Rachael.

"Thanks for letting me know." Rachel stated.

Around 7:30, Sebastian was still in his hospital room and the machines were taken off of him as he was going to be released from the hospital shortly, he was sitting down in a chair as he was no longer laying in the hospital bed and in the hospital room was Dr. Martinez and Rachael was still there. Sebastian got a text from Abby that they arrived in the studio's parking lot and then the door leading from the hallway opened and coming in was Abby. In her hand were a bag of clothes for her son to put on.

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