Chapter 10: Sebastian's 12th

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2 months had passed and it was May 3rd and that was also a special day as it was Sebastian's 12th birthday and it was midnight as Sebastian was asleep in his bed, then he felt a soft tapping on his shoulder which had him wake up and standing at his bedside was Abby, who was smiling.

"Happy 12th Birthday, sweetie." Abby told her son and gave him a hug.

"Thanks, mom." Sebastian responded, he knew Abby was the first to wish him a happy birthday when it becomes midnight on his birthday.

"You're welcome." Abby replied. "Also, i'm gonna take you to Chili's on Ontario Street for lunch, then we'll head to Navy Pier that's across from here."

"Sounds great." Sebastian said, Chili's and Navy Pier were two of his favorite places to go as Abby then headed back to her bedroom and around 8:45 am, Sebastian had changed into a Chicago Blackhawks T-Shirt, Trackpants and Adidas Sandals with his hair in a ponytail before exiting his room and headed to the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday, Sebastian." Maryen said to her grandson, giving him a hug.

"Thanks, grandma." Sebastian said.

"You're welcome."

Broadway Baby then gave a bark to Sebastian as to say 'Happy Birthday' to him.

"Broadway Baby says Happy Birthday." Abby told him.

"Thanks, Baby." Sebastian commented to the bichon frise dog and then they had breakfast, then around 12:30 pm, Abby and Sebastian left the apartment, took the elevator down so they could have lunch at Chili's.

The two arrived at Chili's, a restaurant on State & Ontario and after they got off the 65 Grand bus, they walked to Ontario Street arrived at Chili's, entered and got seated.

"I love coming here to eat." Sebastian said.

"I know you do, i've been bringing you here since you were very little and every chance we got, we'd come and eat." Abby commented.

Sebastian got the flame grilled ribeye and Abby ordered the same thing and 10 minutes later, their food arrived and they began eating.

"Seb, tomorrow, the Chicago Bulls and the Philadelphia 76ers will face off in Game 3 of the NBA playoffs and the Bulls are gonna have their work cut out for them since Derrick Rose tore his ACL in Game 1." Abby informed, knowing that her son was an avid Bulls fan.

"Yeah, i'll be watching tomorrow and i really am hoping they win it all when the postseason comes to an end because i remember you told me the last time the Bulls won the NBA championship was back in 1998 when Michael Jordan hit that game winning shot with 5.2 seconds left against the Utah Jazz." Sebastian commented.

"Me too and i remember telling yout that." Abby stated. "After we're done eating, we'll head to Navy Pier."

"Sounds like a great idea." Sebastian told her.

After finishing up their lunch, they paid the bill and left to head to Navy Pier and the minute they entered, the girls and moms were all there to surprise Sebastian, they all had fun through the day before heading home for the night.

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