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What if there was no destiny? What if they just met, kind of hated each other but Merlin is too pure and saved him and they became friends anyway and he started saving his royal ass anyway. things will be out of order of canon and be different because it's my story and this aint an au so yeah. But Idk I wrote this imbetween my nephews naps for like a week so I really don't know.

“You saved my life.” Prince Arthur mumbles to him with wide eyes. Merlin stares, equally wide-eyed, the last few moments catching up to him; everyone falling asleep, his magic dropping the chandelier on the woman, the knife flying through the air.

“Yeah.” He mumbles back, remembering the way he instinctively slowed time and ran forward to grab the prince and pull him out of the way. “You’re welcome.”

“You’ve saved my son's life. That must be rewarded.”

“Oh!” Merlin shakes his head, “No no I-”

“Yes!” Uther insists “You will be rewarded by being placed as Arthur’s manservant!”

“What?” Merlin says the same time as Arthur says “Father no!”

Uther walks away and Arthur stares at Merlin with fury in his eyes and grabs wrist tugging him harshly.

“Ow! Let go you prat!” He struggles but his hold only tightens.
Arthur doesn’t say anything and shoves him into what Merlin assumes is his chambers and stares at him suspiciously. “I know you’re a sorcerer.”

Merlin pales, “Wh-what? That’s-”

“Don’t deny it. I saw your eyes turn gold as you pulled me away!”

Merlin’s lip quivers, and his voice is unsteady, “Then why didn’t you give me to your father.”

Arthur sneers and finally lets go and backs up a couple paces, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword but not removing it. “You saved my life so I’ll give you a chance to explain yourself and your plans and leave or I’ll kill you myself.”


“Why did you save me!” He demands, hand gripping the hilt so tightly his knuckles turn white.

“Would you rather me let you die!”

“Wouldn’t you!”

“I couldn’t just let you die!” Merlin answers like he finds the idea ludicrous, “Not when I could save you.”

“In case you have forgotten, I am Uther Pendragon’s son! And I put you in the dungeons and stocks and beat you up!”

“I remember.” Merlin scoffs. “But just because you are an arrogant prat and a bully doesn’t mean you deserve to die, let alone I let you die.” he says in horror at the thought.

“Many sorcerers would think me being a Pendragon is enough.”

“Well I’m not other sorcerers am I?” He snaps back.”

“No.” Arthur agrees, letting his hand flex around the hilt and loosen his hold. “Why are you here? In Camelot.”
“To learn to control my magic.”

“In Camelot!” Arthur laughs harshly, “Better come up with a better excuse.”

“I’m not lying! My mother sent me here to Giaus so he could help me not instinctually do magic and by becoming his apprentice I would have a goal in mind, something to achieve, I don’t have that in my small village of Ealdor.”

“Just don’t practice sorcery anymore. Problem solved.”

Merlin laughs harshly, “Wow, great solution, why hadn’t I thought of that?” He glares at him, “I was born with it. I don’t know spells, I’ve never practiced sorcery. I just have it.”

Merthur One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now