Is This Destiny?

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UHM so I added scenes to this. It was supposed to be a quick one scene but uhhhhhhh A LOT MORE OMG KDFOSJDFODKf


Request from NhilCumberbatch.
So I'm winging it after work and when my visiting nephews and neices are taking their naps, and or playing video games lol.

Also lets pretend like Morgana doesn't take Merlin's magic or whatever lmao.


"Arthur?" Merlin manages to speak up anxiously, his fingers twisting together nervously as Arthur prepares to leave his chambers and head out to the battle of Camlann.

"Merlin, we don't have time for your worried prattle, let's go."

"Arthur, this is important." Arthur turns to look him in the eyes, seeing the anxiousness in them and turns fully towards him, placing his hand on Merlin's shoulder tightly.

"It's alright, Merlin. We will handle this battle like all the others we have done and we will be okay."

Merlin shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut, "That's not what this is about." He opens his eyes and looks at him pleadingly. "I need you to know before we go...before it's too late to tell you."


Merlin bites his lip and looks down at his feet, swallowing thickly and only looking at him from under his lashes. "I have magic."

"What?" He whispers harshly.

"I have magic Arthur, I'm a sorcerer."

Arthur pulls back and steps away, "Merlin, stop. If you're trying to get out of going because your scared you need to think of a better excuse." He says almost desperately, like he is clinging to the hope that that's the case.

Merlin looks up at him more, his head still tilted down in a slight bow and he raises his hands up and holds them together to his mouth and whispers a spell, letting his gold eyes shine in Arthur's. He opens his hand and a blue butterfly flutters out of his hand and its wings flap gently as he goes to his open window and leaves the castle.

Arthur's eyes look at him with hurt, with bretrayal. "Arthur-"

"No." He holds his hand up and walks backwards towards the door, his eyes closed in anguish. "No. I don't want to see you again Merlin don't bother coming with us." He opens his eyes and turns to the door.

"Arthur, please listen-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear it! You are a liar and a sorcerer. You are probably working with Morgana!"

Merlin's own anger flares up and his shoulders broaden and his straightens up, his eyes flaming, "I have only ever been loyal to you! Why would I tell you if I was working with her? I just want to keep you safe! I am your friend!"

"A sorcerer will never be any friend of mine!" He says harshly and Merlin's breath hitches painfully and Arthur slams the door shut behind him as he leaves.

Merlin lets himself lean against a bedpost and slide down it and sink to the floor, sobs wracking his body as he holds his knees to his chest. He gives himself a moment of anger, a moment of sadness, and a moment of guilt before he pushes it down and shuts down all emotion. He stands up and closes his eyes as he breathes in deeply, disassociating from himself and becoming the all powerful Emrys: Emry's who is powerful and feared, filled with rage and determination, ready to take down armies and save his king. His eyes flare gold as he slams the door open with his magic, and walks fiercly through the castle, not caring who sees him with his gold eyes. Raw power exudes from him and no one dares to intervene, gold tendrils of magic surrounding him as his magic is finally released fully and giving into all the feelings he had deep inside him and the next thing he knows he is  being transported to Arthur's location without so much of a thought. He is far enough away and hiding in the trees that Arthur and his knights are oblivious to his arrival. His magic has settled enough to not be glowing around him as he spies on the knights grimly riding to battle. When his eyes spot Arthur his heart skips a beat; a blue butterfly lands on Arthur's hand and he watches as Arthur looks down at it with an unreadable expression before it flaps away from him. He may of imagined the slight smile on his face but he most definitly sees the pained expression on his face now and he pushes back down his feelings and goes back to being Emrys the powerful sorcerer and not Merlin the servent in love with his king. Either way, no matter who calls himself or what he is feeling, he will not let Arthur die.

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