Our Story

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I don't believe in love at first sight. Actually not that long ago I didn't believe in love either and because of that the question I am always asked 'What was it about him that made you keep talking to him?'. Well, to answer that I need to start at the beginning.

I can't tell you what he was wearing the first time I ever saw him. I can't tell you about the time slowing, eyes only on him kind of story. Because truth is I didn't even notice him at first. I didn't spot him and immediately feel like he was the one. I didn't hear his laugh and think that it was the most beautiful sound and sought it out. What happened was a lot less romantic and had a lot of swearing...but I wouldn't change it for the world. I can, however, tell you the first thing Merlin ever said to me.

He said, and I quote, "You don't have to be such an ass you prat." I can't help laughing now but in that moment I was shell shocked. It was like he had punched me in the stomach. No one had ever talked to me that way, save Morgana but she doesn't count does she.

I think I had been being the obnoxious frat boy I was and was running about with Leon and and Percy when I had quite literally ran into him. I had been running after a football and his tiny build compared to mine standed no chance. What I should of done was offer my hand and apologize but we all know that back in the day that was not the kind of man I was. Merlin hadn't even sat up yet and I yelled at him for being in the way and not watching where he was going. The second thing Merlin said to me is a bit more vague but I will try to be as verbatim as possible. It was along the lines of "You and your fat head weren't watching where you were going! How could I get out of your fucking way when you were barreling through here like the damn tazmanian devil!"

After that I talked to him whenever I could. It started out as us basically bullying each other into playful banter that bordered on flirting. There was something about him that I just couldn't place, maybe it's that he never feared calling me out on my bullshit even though I was the Admins son. Maybe it's that he doesn't take shit from anyone not even people three times MY size and could crush him in seconds.

It was Morgana who slapped me upside the head and told me I had a crush that made me rethink everything. My thick head was what made me not doing anything for so long. I mean, I didn't believe in love and even if love was real, I couldn't be in love with Merlin, right? Not the big eared, funny, intelligent, cute, adorable, and amazing man Merlin. My heart beating faster and harder at the thought of him was merely coincidence. My stomach swirling at the mention of his name or the sound of his laugh was nothing worth noting, Merlin was my friend and he had a nice laugh, that's it. My throat seeming to swell up and thoughts turn fuzzy whenever he was around was purely because Merlin liked cats and I am allergic and he must of, somehow, come in contact with a cat. My hands turning clammy and my cheeks flushing and breathing becoming a bit more difficult at the slightest of touches, (like the brush of our fingers, the skim of his shoulder as he we walked on a narrow sidewalk, the warmth of his leg as I sat to close to him on the couch,) was harder to explain and I decided to simply ignore that fact. How Merlin has put up with me I am not sure but I am glad he has.
It has taken me a long time to figure out how to say all of this, to put in words, because as most of you know I am not a 'talk about my feelings' kind of guy, but I was determined to find a way to answer the million dollar question. It took three months and Merlin will accuse me of killing a whole forest when he realizes how much paper I used but I did it. Not neatly and not in a fluid way like Merlin always talks about when he helped me write essays but I did it.

What was it about Merlin that changed my mind? Well, Merlin would say that it was that my inflated ego needed soothing and maybe it was at first, maybe that is what I told myself to justify it.

But I think it's because he is the most beautiful person I have ever seen and there would never be someone as beautiful, both physically and mentally, to me ever again. Even if I hadn't let myself think that conciously at the time.

"Awwww" The crowd coo'd and melted and Merlin stood up from his seat, grabbed his tie and tugged him closer to kiss him passionately. When they stopped Arthur reached up and carressed the side of his newly wedded husband and smiled at him lovingly. Merlin gulped and gave soft smile.

"You know when you said you had a surprise for me, I thought you meant like a dog or a giant stuffed bear or something." His voice wavered with emotion ruining his attempt at teasing but Arthur didn't care. He nosed at Merlin's neck and breathed in his intoxicating scent.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes I did." Arthur released a breath and placed a kiss on Merlin's neck, "Though you were right about it not being quite fluid and neat." Arthur beamed and slightly pushed Merlin and basked in the sound of his giggles.

"We are being terrible hosts you know." Arthur says as Merlin starts to kiss his jaw. "It's our reception after all" he tries again. "And we are just standing here and uhm..." Merlin chuckled and pulled away.

"I love you." Arthur says reaching back out to hold his hand. Merlin's eyes sparkled and his face glowed with happines.

"Good because you're mine forever now."

"Til death do us part."

"Cute how you think dying gets you out of this relationship." Arthur laugh boomed loudly and he put his arm around Merlin's waist. "I love you too." He whispered back and Arthur had never felt so happy in his entire life.

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