The Big Day

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Arthur's heart lodges in his throat as he sees Merlin for the first time today. His breath leaves him and his body is weak but he smiles effortlessly and his hands go to his mouth in disbelief at the amazing sight in front of him. He breathes out slowly and lowers his hands, forcing them to stay at his sides, and blinks away the tears forming in his eyes. He hears Morgana giggling at his reaction but doesn't care because, holy shit, Merlin is beautiful. He walks painfully slow up to the alter and Arthur wishes that the music would just speed up so he could get to him faster. They had joked leading up to this day about Merlin being the 'bride' of their wedding and how he should wear a dress and makeup but they were just jokes. He didn't expect Merlin to be in a white suit with a black bowtie with a small veil attached to a flower crown on his head. Arthur couldn't notice any makeup until he was closer but his eyes are popping more for some reason and that highlight stuff that Morgana always goes on about is glistening on his cheeks.
Merlin had thought about it and decided to do a little bit of makeup because dammit it's his day and he wants to feel gorgeous! He didn't let them do foundation but allowed concealer and powder, along with letting them do his waterline and a little bit of eyeliner on his top lid, just to make his eyes seem bigger and bluer, and some mascara of course. He didn't stop them from putting the highlight on but wouldn't let them add anything else but he hugged them with thanks because he looked exactly like he wanted to on his wedding day. And the way Arthur is reacting to seeing him is more than he could of asked for. He feels the butterflies in his stomach as he gets closer and they are not going to stop anytime soon if Arthur keeps looking at him like that. His mom kisses his cheek and pats Arthur's shoulder with a wink as they get to the alter.  He smiles at him with excitement and Arthur smiles back lovingly.

Arthur's hand shakes as he puts the ring on Merlin's finger and his voice quivers as he speaks. For once it is Arthur who is shaky and nervous while Merlin is calm and collected but how the hell is Arthur supposed to be collected when Merlin blinks slowly at him, love swirling in his eyes, while his cheeks flush with happiness.

"Arthur Pendragon, do you take Merlin Balinor Emrys to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." His voice carries as he finally feels more confident.

"Merlin Emrys do you take Art-"

"I do." The crowd chuckles as Merlin bites his lip and shrugs his shoulders and bows his head a bit in embarressment. He looks at Arthur with a sheepish smile and he can't help but reach out and take Merlin's hands and hold them tightly, even though it isn't time to hold each other's hands yet.

The man holds back a chuckle and surpresses a smile as he starts over. "Merlin Emrys, do you take Arthur Uther Pendragon to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may now kiss." He didn't even finish his sentence before Arthur was tugging him closer and kissing him. He carefully places his hand on his cheek, as to not mess up whatever makeup he has on his face, and his other hand holds his hip. Merlin has his right hand on the side of Arthur's neck and the other on his bicep. They pull apart and faintly hear the cheering of the crowd as the priest declares them Mr. and Mr. Pendragon.

"You're beautiful" Arthur whispers before they kiss again, Arthur dipping Merlin this time, their smile makes it hard to kiss and Merlin has to hold his flower crown so it doesn't fall off. They hear Gwaine whistle suggestively and break apart laughing.


After their first dance, Hunith tugs Merlin away and dances with him and Morgana dances with Arthur. Then they switch and Hunith dances with Arthur and Morgana dances with Merlin. Uther danced with Hunith, Arthur and surprisingly Merlin as well. Uther had always accepted him as Arthur's boyfriend but they didn't expect him to dance with them but they arn't complaining. Gwaine dances with Merlin but right as the song ends Arthur tugs Merlin back and holds him protectively around the waist.

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