True Mate

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I added a video of the Xcalibur ride and a pic of a horshoe lmao. (Just so happens you can see Mr. Freeze in the backround HAHA!)

This one gon be a little weird y'all, an alpha and omega thing lol so yeah. It's weird. Smut. Attempted assault but those bitches are locked down real fast and no one is actually assaulted. fluff too.
It's just weird if you aren't the alpha omega au type.


Arthur sits at his desk, looking at the papers in frustration. The neighboring kingdoms want to send him scent samples so he can pick a mate to be his queen, but he doesn't want to pick a mate he wants to find his mate. It is very rare for royalty to find true mates but he wants to and if he finds them before he gets forced into marriage then he will be allowed to marry them and be happy with them. He sighs and puts his head in his hands but is startled when his door is wripped open and closed quickly.

He looks up and sees Merlin, panting heavily as he holds the door shut with his body. "Merlin?"

He looks startled to see him, "Arthur! I didn't know you would be in here! I thought you were on patrol!" His eyes dart back and forth and sweat starts to bead on his forehead.

"I sent Percival so I could read over some letters. Are you okay? Did something happen?" Merlin's bottom lip trembles and he hugs himself while trying to push himself further into the door as Arthur walks closer causing him to stop, he has never seen Merlin be afraid of him before. "Merlin?"

A pounding on his door has Merlin squeaking and running to hide behing Arthur, surprising him more. The door slams open and three knights are standing there looking maliciously for Merlin before spotting Arthur.

"Oh! Your majesty! We didn't, we thought you were-" One fumbles but another steps foreward and speaks confidently.

"Apologies, m'lord, but Merlin here back talked us and then threw manure at us when we were going to place him in the stocks." Manure is on their chests but only some, as if they dodged most of it and the smell isn't overwhelming, but Merlin clenches Arthur's shirt and whimpers.

"Don't let them take me, Arthur, please!" He whispers. Arthur starts to agree that maybe the stocks would do him some good, jokingly of course but then Leon and Morgana come running into the room. It isn't strange for Morgana to be angry but the deadly look in Leon's eyes as he looks at the three knights is unexpected.

"Arthur! These knights took Merlin's scent blockers and heat suppressants and crushed them! Merlin only threw the manure to try and escape from them and then they broke his bedroom door to try and get to him! I saw it from my bedroom window and Leon saw them break down his door before he could stop them!"

"Merlin managed to escape through his window." Leon says in a dangerously low voice, growling at them in anger.

Arthur's anger fills the air too powerful for his own scent blockers, causing the knights to shrink under the combined anger scent and stares from him and Leon. "Take them to the dungeon! Morgana, inform Giaus to make Merlin more."

He watches as Leon and the guards he had waiting outside grab the knights and how Morgana runs quickly out the room. He turns to Merlin who is now cowering in the corner by his dresser.

"Merlin, I am so sorry they did that to you." He says earnestly.

"Stay back!" Merlin says frantically, more sweat beading down his forehead.

"Merlin?" He asks in confusion but standing still nonetheless.

"I haven't had a heat in almost two years because of the suppressants and because of them I missed taking it. My heat is starting immediately."

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