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Just to let y'all know, I have no plan. I am going to write and hope a story comes together. I will name it after lmao.

(Turned out ight I think)


"Tie the horses!" Arthur snaps without looking at him. Merlin nods his head, "Yes, sire."

Arthur flinches slightly at the respectful tone and proper procedure. He glances at his servent watching him obediently tie the horses as well as setting up the rest of the camp without being told to and without complaint. Arthur sighs but doesn't try to say anything to him. He sits on a log and stares at the ground as if it is the most fascinating thing he has ever seen. It's been three weeks since Merlin told him about his magic and every time he thinks about it anger swells in his chest and boils in his gut but each time it gets less and less intense. It used to be like a blister of rage that grew with every breath he took, like his own ribs were rubbing against it and trying to get it to explode open and attack the cause; but he never did let it explode and attack Merlin. Now, however, when his mind wanders to the betrayal of his friend, it's like a sting of anger that shoots through him, sometimes it is longer and sometimes it is barely there. Now, when he looks at Merlin, hurt and anger don't rear in him like a snake ready to strike it's prey and Merlin doesn't step back in fear everytime he meets his eyes. Then again, he never looks Arthur in the eyes anymore - a short glance when listening to an order is it. When he speaks Arthur doesn't feel like unsheathing his sword and pointing it at his chest, instead he finds himself flinching or clenching his jaw at his short and respectful responses, because Merlin never talks first anymore. Arthur knows that in time his anger will fade completely but will their friendship be too ruined by the time it does? He hates to admit it to himself, but he misses Merlin. He hasn't left and is always there when he calls for him but it isn't the same. He doesn't talk, joke, or insult him and the zombie that stands in the form of Merlin is making Arthur feel so alone.

"I remembered something else." Merlin soft and fearful voice wispers as he lights the fire. Arthur's head whips up to him in surprise that he actually spoke.


"I remembered something else, if you still want to hear it." When he had told him about his magic Arthur made him tell him everything and Merlin did but at the end said that was all he could remember as of that moment and he would tell him if he remembers something he forgot.

Arthur nods but Merlin isn't looking at him only staring into the fire. "Okay."

"Remember that information that an army was coming to attack yet none ever did?"


"That's because I snuck out of the castle and stopped them before they could even reach Camelots borders."


Merlin huggs his knees and closes his eyes, "I killed more than half of them, the other's fled. I - I set them on fire, or killed them with their own arrows that were supposed to be for me." His voice trembling by the end. "Maybe your father was right, I set someone on fire, alive, with no remorse even though that was one of my greatest fears....I am a monster."

"No!" Arthur shouts unexpectedly.

Merlin looked at him with his cheek resting on his knees that he still hugged. "You are not a monster. You were protecting Camelot and saved lives while doing it. I have killed plently of men, does that make me a monster?"

"No, but I was using magic."

Arthur looks away, not knowing how to counter against that and not being used to the blue of his eyes staring at him anymore.

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